
密 惠 保
The Electrical DesignOfNanjing Bank Office Building
The graduation design is the lighting, power, lightning protection grounding, fire alarm, security, and integrated wiring design of the Nanjing Bank office building. This design is based on national electrical design codes and standards as well as design materials provided by civil and plumbing professionals. The lighting system design includes the selection of the luminaire model, the calculation of the illuminance, the arrangement of the luminaire, the lighting distribution method, and the illumination power density check. The power system design includes the power distribution mode of high-power electrical appliances such as sockets, pumps and air conditioners; the types and specifications of cables, bridges, busbars, etc.; the types and specifications of control switches and protective appliances are determined. The grounding system is designed for roof lightning protection and underlying protective grounding according to the national lightning protection grounding standard; the fire alarm design includes the selection of the form of the alarm system, the selection and arrangement of the detector, and the linkage of the alarm controller and the fire fighting equipment. The security system is used for video surveillance of the entrance and exit. The integrated wiring system contains the wiring of information pointsand the arrangement.
Keywords:Lighting system power system lightning protection grounding Public safety integrated wiring

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章系统概述 1
1.1工程概述 1
1.2设计概述 1
第二章照明系统 3
2.1照明计算 3
2.1.1本工程照明器情况 3
2.1.2照明设计标准 4
2.1.3利用系数法 5
2.1.4照度计算 7
2.2照明负荷计算 12
2.2.1照明配电系统设计原则 12
2.2.2需要系数法确定计算负荷 12 [来源:http://think58.com]
2.2.3照明负荷计算 13
第三章动力系统 24
3.1按需要系数法确定计算负荷 24
3.2线路电压损失较验 31
3.3本工程配电系统说明 32
第四章防雷接地系统 34
第五章公共安全系统 35
第六章综合布线系统 39
参考文献 41
致谢 42 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]