
密 惠 保
摘 要
防雷接地及安全措施设计需要确定建筑的防雷等级,低压配电系统接地型式的确定,防直击雷、防雷电感应、防电磁脉冲以及等电位联结的做法。 [来源:http://think58.com]
关键词:建筑电气 配电系统 照明系统 防雷接地系统
Architectural electrical design of a university teaching experimental building
This project is the electrical design of the building of a university teaching and experimental building. The electrical system is equipped with power distribution system, lighting system, lightning protection grounding and safety measures.
The design of the power distribution system needs to determine whether the different power equipment is the primary, secondary or tertiary load level according to the corresponding specifications and other relevant conditions and calculate the corresponding load capacity, choose a suitable and reliable, such as dual power supply. After determine the load capacity and the corresponding power supply mode, determine the cable model specifications and laying methods, model specifications and installation methods of the circuit breakers and other switches.
The lighting system can be divided into two categories: normal lighting and emergency lighting. As the name suggests, normal lighting is the lighting equipment used under normal conditions, which needs to meet the basic lighting needs of people in daily life production; emergency lighting is to respond to fires and other emergency situations. The main settings of this project are standby lighting and fire emergency lighting and evacuation indicating lighting. The layout of emergency lighting shall be determined according to the situation. For example, the fire-fighting equipment room that needs to work normally in the fire room, smoke exhaust machine room, etc. shall be set up with standby lighting, and the lighting shall not be lower than the normal lighting illumination; evacuation walkways, stairwells, etc. should be equipped with an evacuation indication system, and the system meets relevant control requirements and illuminance standards.
Lightning protection grounding and safety measures need to determine the lightning protection level of the building, the determination of the grounding type of the low-voltage distribution system, anti-direct lightning, lightning protection, anti-electromagnetic pulse and equipotential bonding.
Keyword: Electrical Building; Power distribution system; Lighting system; Lightning protection grounding system

目 录
摘 要 I
ABSTRACT II [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
第一章 系统概述 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2设计依据 1
1.3拟设置的系统 1
1.3.1配电系统 1
1.3.2照明系统 1
1.3.3防雷接地及安全措施 1
第二章 照明系统 2
2.1正常照明 3
2.1.1正常照明设计原则 3
2.1.2线缆选型及敷设 3
2.1.3照度与功率密度计算公式 3
2.1.4工程实例 5
2.2应急照明 8
2.2.1应急照明设计原则 8
2.2.2线缆选型及敷设 9
2.3照明配电与负荷计算 9
2.3.1照明配电原则 9
2.3.2需要系数法 9
2.3.3工程实例 10
第三章 配电系统 38
3.1配电系统概述 38
3.1.1负荷等级 38
3.1.2供电电源及电压等级 38 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
3.1.3高、低压供电系统接线型式及运行方式 38
3.1.4线缆选型及敷设 38
3.1.5断路器和开关的选择与配合 39
3.1.6低压配电干线系统 39
3.2配电与负荷计算 40
3.2.1需要系数法 40
3.2.2工程实例 41
第四章 防雷与接地系统 51
4.1建筑物防雷 51
4.1.1建筑物防雷等级确定 51
4.1.2防雷措施 52
4.2接地及安全措施 52
4.2.1接地形式 52
4.2.2接地措施 53
4.2.3安全措施 53
结语 54
参考文献 55
致谢 56 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]