
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:变电所 电气系统 短路计算 电气设备 [来源:http://think58.com]
Industrial Development Zone Substation (a main transformer) once a part of the design
This paper focuses on industrial development zone substation (a main transformer) once a part of the design, the design according to the requirements of the mission statement of the main contents include the main transformer selection, elaboration of main electrical wiring, short circuit calculations, electrical equipment selection, power distribution unit planning, relay protection and automatic devices for lightning protection planning and planning major work. Article on the choice of the main transformer, main electrical wiring in the formulation, planning of power distribution equipment, relay protection and automatic device for a detailed description of planning, especially for the main transformer protection planning, operation principle and other content in-depth study and reflection. This article focuses on the calculation section includes short circuit calculation, equipment selection checksum calculation, and calculation of lightning protection and other parts. Where short circuit calculations include symmetrical and asymmetrical short circuit calculation calculation of two parts, namely the application of the calculated curve and the positive sequence equivalence principle; lightning calculation, the other pin high is calculated. This design not only meet the power system security, economic, reliable, environmentally friendly basic requirements, but also to the long-term planning of the power system long-term development, focusing on understanding and application of new technologies and power systems equipment, substation design, is a more comprehensive process of practice. Is the expertise learned in the past systematically summarized and improve. This design is part of the preliminary design of the electrical substation, can basically meet the overall mission statement and thesis requirements.
Key Words: Substation; Electrical Systems; Short-circuit calculation; Electrical Equipment
1.3.1 本设计概论
1.3.2 环境条件
历年年平均气温 15.5。C
极端最高气温 41.5。C
极端最低气温 -4.4。C
最热月平均气温 28.7。C(8月)
最冷月平均气温 1.2。C(一月)
历年平均降水量 1019.5mm
历年最大年降水量 1563.8mm
历年最大月降水量 731.2mm
历年最大日降水量 380.2mm
历年年平均风速 2.8m/s
历年全年主导风向ESE频率 10%
4)海拔 12.5m

目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 电力系统概述 1
1.2 变电所简介 1
1.2.1 变电所基本原理 1
1.2.2 变电所的分类 2
1.2.3 变配电所所址的选择 3
1.3 原始资料简介 3
1.3.1本设计概论 3
1.3.2 环境条件 3
第二章 电气主接线的设计 5
2.1 电气主接线设计的概念 5
2.2 基本要求 5
2.3 主接线方案的拟定 7
第三章 主变压器的选择 9
3.1 变压器台数的选择 9
3.2 变压器容量的选择 9
3.3 主变压器选型 12
第四章 短路电流计算 13
4.1 电力系统短路电流计算的目的 13
4.2 电力系统短路电流计算条件 13
4.3 短路电流的限流措施 14
4.4 短路电流计算 15
第五章 主要电气设备选择 20
5.1 电器选择的一般要求 20
5.1.1 一般原则 20
5.1.2 技术条件 20
5.1.3 环境条件 23
5.2 导体的选择和校验 24
5.2.1 110KV高压导线的选择和校验 24
5.2.2 35KV母线选择校验 25
5.2.3 10KV出线电缆选择校验 26
5.3 断路器的选择和校验 26
5.3.1 110KV断路器的校验 26
5.3.2 35KV断路器的选择 27
5.3.3 10KV断路器的选择 28
5.4 隔离开关选择 28
5.4.1 110KV隔离开关选择 28
5.4.2 35KV隔离开关的选择 29
5.4.3 10KV隔离开关的选择 30
5.5 电压互感器的选择 30
5.5.1 35KV电压互感器的选择 30
5.5.2 10KV电压互感器的选择 31
5.6 电流互感器的选择 31
5.6.1 110KV电流互感器的选择和校验 31
5.6.2 35KV电流互感器的选择 32
5.6.3 10KV电流互感器的选择 32
5.7 电气设备一次设备选择结果 33
5.7.1 110KV主要电气设备选择 33
5.7.2 35KV主要电气设备选择 34
5.7.3 10KV主要电气设备选择 34
第六章 变电所配电布置和防雷保护 36
6.1 变电所配电布置 36
6.2 变电所防雷保护及接地装置 36
6.2.1 避雷针的保护计算 36
6.2.2 直击雷过电压保护 37
6.2.3 雷电载入波的过电压保护 38
6.2.4 防雷接地 39
结束语 40
参考文献 41
致谢 43