密 惠 保
摘 要:橱柜产品是上世纪九十年代中期才在国内出现的新型产品。十几年的快速发展,已经成为一支新兴的行业从家具行业中独立出来。目前,国内行业具有正式规模的橱柜生产企业2500余家,材料及配件生产企业4000家,经销商1万家,全行业共约16500个企业,已形成原材料配件、整体橱柜、经销商共三大行业互相依存、互相合作的产业链。面对中国橱柜市场未来几年200亿的容量,城市居民整体厨房拥有率只有2%左右这一巨大消费潜能的市场,发展了10余年橱柜行业的可谓是凶险与机遇同在,如何掌握充满变数的市场规律?如何克服产业本身瓶颈实现大跨步发展?如何练就企业内外功决胜于终端?如何把握消费心理做大市场?是我国橱柜企业迫在眉睫需要解决的问题,本文通过相关的分析和研究,提出了解决这些问题的相关对策。
Brief Talk on The Problem And Solution of Chinese Cabinets Enterprises Development
As Abstract: Ambry product is in the mid 1990s until the new products in domestic appear. Ten years of rapid development, it has become a new industry from independent of the furniture industry. At present, the domestic industries have formal scale ambry production more than 2,500 enterprises, materials and parts production enterprise 4000, dealers 100,000, 000 about over the whole industry has formed a company, raw material accessories, integral ambry, distributors of 3 industry inter-dependence and cooperation of the industrial chain. Facing China ambry market in the coming years, the capacity of 200 million urban residents integral kitchen ownership only 2% this massive spending potential market, the development of 10 years of ambry occupation is dangerous and opportunity is how to grasp the full of variables with the market rule? How to overcome the industry itself bottleneck achieve big stride development? How to practice enterprise internal and external work in terminal victory? How to grasp the consumption psychology do big market? Is our country ambry enterprise urgent needs to solve the problem, this article through relevant analysis and research, puts forward the countermeasures to solve these problems. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Key words: Cabinets enterprises;Problem;Solution