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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
关键词:用户体验  网站设计  在线购物
Investigation and analysis on user experience of Taobao in college students [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
In recent years, scientific and technological technology and rapid economic development, diversified e-commerce platform with the gradual development, each platform in order to compete for the market, access to income, are each of the platform to take optimization measures. Taobao is a larger e-commerce platform in China and even Asia, the platform supplies all kinds of goods, such as food, department stores, makeup, digital, sports and so on, while the platform harvest users a good reputation. In the user group, the College student group is open, active, easy to accept new ideas, new things, in the e-commerce platform selection and use of the process of more insight.
At present, academia mainly studies how to optimize the e-commerce website platform from the technical aspect, and seldom studies the e-commerce website platform through the subjective feeling concept of user experience. Therefore, this article starts from the concept of user experience, and through the questionnaire for data collection and collation, so as to obtain relevant conclusions. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
Firstly, this paper makes a review of the current situation of the development of e-commerce website platform and the related literature of user experience, mainly through similar papers at home and abroad to obtain relevant theoretical support, and then by means of questionnaire survey, with realistic data as the basis of investigation to summarize the user experience of college students using Taobao, And according to the specific situation put forward to ensure the quality of goods, optimize the customer service system, improve the page design measures, so as to improve the user satisfaction of college students.
Key Words: User Experience ;website Design;online Shopping



摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究的目的和意义    1
1.2.1研究目的    1
1.2.2研究意义    2
1.3研究内容和方法    2
1.3.1研究内容    2
1.3.2研究方法    3
第二章文献综述    4
第三章大学生“淘宝网”用户体验调查分析    7
3.1调查问卷设计    7
3.1.1调查目标确定    7
3.1.2问卷内容设计    7
3.1.3问卷设计思路    8
3.2调查问卷发放与回收    8
3.3问卷调查结果分析    8


3.3.1基本情况分析    8
3.3.2购物情况分析    10
3.3.3购物行为情况分析    11
3.3.4购物感受情况分析    12
第四章大学生“淘宝网”用户满意度优化措施    14
4.1保证商品质量    14
4.1.1 建立完善的商家准入制度    14
4.1.2 建立平台完善的质量保障准则    14
4.2优化客服体系    15
4.2.1改进服务态度    15
4.2.2确切描述商品    15
4.3改善页面设计    15
4.3.1改善视觉设计    15
4.3.2重视用户体验    16
第五章总结与研究展望    17
5.1研究结论    17
5.2研究展望    17
参考文献    18
附录    20
致谢    26 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]