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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘    要
关键词:传统百货  线上推广  电子商务  O2O模式

Online Promotion of Taditional Department Store --to Golden Eagle Retail Group Limited as an example
Large department stores as a traditional retail formats, occupy a pivotal position in the development of our national economy. Due to the current changes in the social environment, the rise of e-commerce applications and depth to the department store industry, represented by the traditional retail has been a great shock. [来源:http://think58.com]
   Firstly, the background and development status of traditional department stores were described, analyzed the key factors in the impact of new e-commerce development model and revitalize the traditional department store; and then introduces the research object - Situation Golden Eagle O2O undertaken e-business models ; brief introduction by Golden Eagle online promotion and marketing strategy O2O business model layout, leads to the development of the traditional department store electricity supplier definition and implementation of the model; the possibility of the development of the last of the traditional department stores and online prospects were discussed..
Key Words: raditional department store; promotion online; E-commerce; O2O mode


目  录
摘    要    I
目  录    I
第一章 引  言    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1研究背景    1
1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2研究内容与方法    1
1.2.1研究内容    1
1.2.2拟采取的研究方法    2
第二章 文献综述    4
2.1 国外传统百货线上发展的研究    4
2.2 国内传统百货线上发展的研究    4
2.3 国内外研究的综合评述    5
第三章 传统百货线上推广存在问题    6
3.1 传统企业在电子商务模式下的发展现状    6


3.1.1传统百货发展现状    6
3.1.2国内传统百货零售企业在线上推广的发展现状    7
3.2 线上零售业对传统百货发展的冲击    8
3.2.1 关于传统百货开展020双线模式现状的调查问卷    8
3.2.2关于传统百货开展020双线模式现状的SWOT分析    11
第四章  传统百货线上推广的策略研究    12
4.1 传统百货线上推广的可行性分析    12
4.2 传统百货线上推广的策略    12
4.2.1在移动端布局    12
4.2.2组建线上商城    13
4.2.3入驻第三方电商平台对顾客进行精准营销    14
4.3 传统百货线上推广的远景探讨    15
4.3.1传统百货线上推广的方向    15
4.3.2传统百货线上推广的要求    15
4.3.3传统百货线上推广的前景    15
第五章 金鹰商贸集团的线上推广分析    17
5.1 金鹰商贸集团简介    17
5.1.1金鹰商贸集团发展背景    17 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
5.1.2金鹰商贸集团电子商务开展情况    17
5.2金鹰商贸集团网络营销方法的研究    17
5.2.1金鹰商贸集团全方位网络营销手段    17
5.2.2金鹰商贸集团服务终端营销手段    18
5.3金鹰商贸集团开展O2O商业模式的研究    18
5.3.1金鹰商贸集团O2O模式移动端布局    19
5.3.2金鹰商贸集团O2O模式PC端布局    20
5.3.3金鹰商贸集团第三方电商平台的入驻    21
5.4案例总结    21
结束语    23
参考文献    24
附录1调查问卷    26
附录2调查问卷结果    28
致  谢    31
