计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



关键词:电商商务  促销活动  双十一  购物狂欢  网络营销

The Investigation and Analysis of Electricity Suppliers of Promotional Activities "Double Eleven" [资料来源:http://think58.com]
With the development of the economy in society,more and more people turning  traditional physical store from network of consumer spending, Human consumption gradually entered in the period of network consumption.Alibaba Group announced the "double eleven" campaign total sales reached 35 billion in the early morning of November 12, 2013, created a highest record on electricity supplier of promotional activities of daily turnover.
Paper under the background of consumption in the network is becoming the mainstream for human consumption,analysis the development of processes and outcomes of  electricity supplier "double eleven" promotional activities,from four factors : the seller, the buyer , society economy and trading platform analysis the reasons for promotional activities and the existence of problems.To solve these problems, the paper on the study conducted a questionnaire survey research and collect and analysis data collation,finally, make recommendations and solutions.


Through the research, paper summarizes the problems of electricity supplier promotions and proposes some reasonable solutions.So as to provide some reference for similar promotional activities of electricity supplier,let consumers establish a correct and rational view of consumption and buy their satisfactory goods.
Keywords:E-Commerce;Promotions;Double-eleven;Shopping Spree;Network Marketing

双十一电商促销活动调查与分析(附调查问卷) 双十一电商促销活动调查与分析(附调查问卷)(任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,论文19000字)

摘 要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究目的与意义    1
1.3研究内容与方法    2
第二章 文献综述    4
2.1电子商务发展研究    4
2.1.1电子商务概述    4
2.1.2电子商务发展现状    4
2.2网络营销研究    5
2.2.1网络营销概念    5


2.2.2网络营销策略    5
2.2.3网络营销现状    7
2.3统计调查与统计分析研究    8
2.3.1 统计调查研究    8
2.3.2 统计分析研究    9
第三章 “双十一”促销活动影响因素分析与调查问卷设计    11
3.1“双十一”活动概述    11
3.1.1“双十一”活动发展历史    11
3.1.2“双十一”网络促销方式    11
3.2“双十一”活动影响因素分析    12
3.2.1社会经济因素分析    13
3.2.2交易平台因素分析    13
3.2.3卖方因素分析    14
3.2.4买方因素分析    14
3.3“双十一”活动调查问卷设计    15
3.3.1设计调查问卷    15
3.3.2发放与回收调查问卷    15
第四章调查结果分析与解决对策    17
4.1数据分析    17


4.1.1 性别比例均衡    17
4.1.2 年级以大四为主    17
4.1.3电子支付的普及率与“双十一”的知名度高    18
4.1.4学生购物支出占生活费比例较大    19
4.1.5价格虚假    19
4.1.6网页、客服、物流、质量等问题较严重    20
4.2调查分析结论    21
4.2.1不良商家存在虚假降价行为    21
4.2.2交易网站访问流量过大,出现瘫痪现象    22
4.2.3快递“爆仓”,导致送货时间延迟    22
4.2.4服务质量差,导致顾客不满    23
4.3“双十一”促销活动问题解决对策    24
4.3.1完善网购交易制度    24
4.3.2加大网购监察力度    24
4.3.3构建绿色物流模式    25
4.3.4加强售后服务管理    25
结语    27
参考文献    28
附录    30 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
致谢    32 [资料来源:http://think58.com]