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  • 共2页:
  • [来源:http://think58.com]

    摘 要:农产品加工企业是我国现代农业发展的龙头,是联系农业和市场的桥梁。论文从国内外农产品加工企业研究现状入手,系统分析了国内外农产品加工企业发展的特征和趋势,以明确农产品加工企业的发展方向。界定了农产品、农产品加工业和农产品加工企业的含义,并依据不同的分类标准对我国农产品加工企业进行分类。本文运用SWOT方法对我国农产品加工业的内部条件和外部环境作了详细分析,客观地指出了我国农产品加工业进一步发展具有的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,为政府及其管理部门制定农产品加工业的发展战略提供了决策依据。

    About On Development Strategy Of Agricultural Products Processing Enterprises
    Abstract: Agricultural products processing enterprises are leading the development of modern agriculture, is to contact the bridge of agriculture and markets.Papers from the international status quo of agricultural products processing enterprises in research, systems analysis of agricultural products processing enterprises at home and abroad the characteristics and trends of development in order to identify the development direction of agricultural products processing enterprises.Definition of agricultural products, agricultural products processing industry and agro-processing enterprises meaning, and according to different classification criteria to classify agricultural products processing enterprises in China.In this paper, SWOT method of agricultural products processing industry in China's internal conditions and external environment, a detailed analysis, objectively pointed out the further development of agricultural product processing industry in China has strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and management of government departments to develop agro-industriesThe development strategy provides a basis for decision making.


    Key words: Agricultural products processing enterprises; development strategy; SWOT Analysis