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  • [资料来源:http://think58.com]

    摘 要:近年来,中小企业提供的就业机会约占全社会的八成以上,外贸出口占全国的2/3以上,其中轻工、纺织、服装、玩具、五金等方面的出口产品,几乎全部是它们提供的。湖南作为中国中南五省经济发展的桥头堡,中小企业的发展将起到不可忽视的巨大作用。在我国深化经济改革,经济结构面临重大转型的历史时期,中小企业的发展战略研究起到至关重要的作用。本文从湖南中小企业发展现状,湖南中小企业发展战略以及中小企业发展制约因素等方面为湖南中小企业管理提出一些建议,以期促进湖南中小企业发展步入良性循环。

    Exploration on Strategies and Problems of Development of Hunan Small and Medium Enterprises
    Abstract:Recently,the employment opportunities which offered by the small and medium enterprises have occupied 80% of  the whole society , exports have accounted for the country's 2 / 3, in which light industry, textiles, clothing, toys, hardware, etc., almost all are provided by the small and medium enterprises.. Hunan province , as an extremely important part of economical development of central south area ,the development of small and medium enterprises will play a very vital role. In the age of our country to deepen economic reform, and also ,economic structure of the historical period of major restructuring, the development of strategic management of small and medium enterprises play a crucial role. [来源:http://think58.com]
    This paper is going to make a series of recommendations which concerned on the situation of Hunan small and medium enterprises ,the constraints of development of Hunan small and medium enterprises ,to promote the Hunan small and medium enterprises into a vicious circle.
    Key Words: Small and medium enterprises; Hunan province ; Strategic development