密 惠 保
摘 要:随着经济全球化、金融自由化和一体化以及中国经济市场化改革步伐的加快和中国加入WTO,中国银行业将面临前所未有的发展机遇与挑战;同时,随着中国金融业的逐步放开,面对国外商业银行的进入与竞争,中国商业银行的风险也有加大的趋势。尽管我国金融体制改革、银行制度变革取得了一些成就,但商业银行存在的问题依然很多,经济体制转轨和入世初期的不适应,进一步加大了银行风险发生的可能性,银行风险问题对我国来说已经十分现实,威胁就在身边。对此,我们必须高度重视,采取切实可行的银行风险防范措施。
关键词:风险管理 道德风险 不良贷款
Reaserch on Bank of China Liuyang Sub-branch Venture Management
Abstract: Along with the step of the economy globalization, finance liberalize and integration, as well as China’s economy marketization and China’s join into WTO, China’s commercial banks will be faced with development opportunities and challenges never existed before. At the same time, facing the opening of China’s finance industry step by step and the entering of commercial banks abroad and their competition, the risk of China’s commercial banks also has the trend of enlarging. Although some achievements have been gained in China’s banking system reformation and revolution, the problems of the commercial bank are still a lot, and at the initial stage of the economic structure’s reformation and entering WTO, it has enlarged the possibility that the bank risk occurs further. Finance risk and crisis problem are very real to our country, and threaten nearby. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Key words: Risk management;Moral hazard;Non-performing