计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



Cash flow from business activities is an important part of enterprise cash flow. It reflects the cash flow generated in the normal operation of an enterprise and provides financial support for the normal operation of the enterprise. COVID during the Spring Festival, 2020-19 outbreak quickly spread to the whole country, to the Chinese economy has brought the huge impact, the sharp decline in market demand, to enterprise's production, trade, and work has brought the huge impact, because a lot of small and medium enterprises cash flow cycle scheduling problem and facing bankruptcy, the small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of the modern economic development, is also an important force in our economy, COVID - 19 has had a huge impact on small and medium-sized enterprises, Therefore, this paper studies the impact of catering industry on the cash flow of business activities in Xiaguan Town of Dali City during the epidemic period and how to ensure sufficient cash flow during the epidemic period. Through the analysis of the impact of the epidemic on the cash flow of enterprises' business activities, Suggestions and opinions are put forward on how to ensure the sufficient cash flow of enterprises, and solutions are proposed.


Key Words:Cashflow from operations;The COVID-19 outbreak;Cash flow management


摘要    I
Abstract    II
绪论    1
第1章  相关理论概述    4
1.1经营活动现金流的理论    4
1.1.1  经营活动现金流的概念    4
1.1.2  经营活动现金流对企业的作用    4
1.2 新冠肺炎疫情概述    5
第2章  新冠肺炎疫情对大理市下关镇旅游行业经营活动现金流影响    7
2.1  地理位置和行业简介    7
2.2  疫情前后经营活动现金流状况    7
2.2.1  疫情前经营活动现金流状况    7
2.2.2  疫情后经营活动现金流状况    9
第3章  疫情期间大理市下关镇旅游业经营活动现金流理存在的问题    11


3.1  经营活动现金流日常管理不到位    12
3.2  缺乏健全的经营活动现金流量预算管理制度    13
3.3  经营活动现金流风险管理意识不足    13
第4章  对大理市下关镇旅游行业经营活动现金流问题的改进建议    15
4.1  重视经营活动现金流日常管理    15
4.2  完善经营活动现金流预算管理制度    16
4.3  企业应为不可预见的风险做准备    17
结  论    18
参考文献    20
致  谢    21 [来源:http://think58.com]