计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC





ABSTRACT: 翻译参照上面修改As the core business of the industry, tobacco logistics is generally considered as the "third profit source" in addition to reducing material consumption and improving labor productivity. In the five times of rapid economic development, enterprises need differentiated marketing, so for enterprises, value-added service is the actual demand of enterprises and consumers according to the actual market situation, to provide customers with different from other enterprises in the same industry customized services, in order to meet customer needs and enhance the profitability of the company's services. For the logistics industry, to increase the personalized service, can effectively reduce the risk of assimilation, improve the profitability of enterprises is of great significance. Based on the current situation of tobacco logistics development in China, on the basis of extensive literature review, this paper accurately grasps the development trend of modern logistics, fully uses the successful experience of modern logistics in tobacco industry at home and abroad for reference, and takes Wuhan Tobacco logistics as the research object, in-depth investigation and understanding of the Wuhan Tobacco Logistics in providing value-added services in the process of detailed research and analysis, and the implementation of Wuhan Tobacco logistics value-added Services Planning and design, the paper puts forward the way and content of the reform of logistics company to provide reference for the analysis of value-added service of tobacco logistics, and tries to explore a new way for the survival and development of tobacco logistics.

Keywords:Tobacco Logistics; value-added services; design and implementation


一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二) 研究的意义    2
二、 国内研究现状    2
(一)国内外企业现状分析    2
1、国内烟草物流分析    2
2、国外烟草物流现状    3
(二)物流增值服务研究现状    3
三、 武汉烟草物流服务现状分析    4
(一) 武汉烟草行业物流基本情况    4
(二)武汉烟草物流增值服务发展现状    4
(三)武汉烟草物流增值服务SWOT分析    5
1、优势分析    5
2、劣势分析    5
3、机会分析    6
4、威胁分析    6
(四)武汉烟草增值服务存在的问题    7 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
1、仅能提供单项或分段的物流服务    7
2、市场定位不准确导致企业决策不准确    7
3、企业不愿引进先进的技术和设备    7
四、武汉烟草物流增值服务对策及渠道设计    7
(一)武汉烟草物流增值服务的对策    7
1、实现供应链一体化的物流解决方案    7
2、选择适合企业发展的增值服务模式    7
3、加快信息技术的发展,提升物流服务的信息化水平    8
(二)武汉烟草物流增值服务渠道设计    8
1、基础性增值渠道    8
2、延伸性增值渠道    9
3、拓展性增值渠道    10
五、武汉烟草物流增值服务的实施设计    11
(一)物流公司性质选择    11
(二)物流中心公司实体化途径    11
(三)物流中心公司实体化内容    12
六、结论与展望    12
(一)结论    12
(二)展望    13 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
参考文献    14
致 谢    15
