计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




Bluetooth micro printing system based on MCU
Abstract: This design is based on 89C52 microcontroller, plus a peripheral circuit (oscillator, reset, power supply etc.), plus hc-06 Bluetooth module, realize the communication between the mobile phone and mobile phone under the SCM, SCM, printer, the linkage of the three, to achieve short distance simple character printing. The print module used to the design of the nine pin printer core Samsung smp270sp, although the mainstream market is the 24 needle type printer, but 9 still has the characteristics of cheap needle. The whole process of the system is mobile phone via Bluetooth communication with MCU, MCU output character let call flash after receiving the placement of character font, according to certain procedures to achieve the print head needle hit display character. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Keywords: STC89C52 micro-controller, pin printer core, Bluetooth



目 录
引言    1
1.研究背景及意义    1
1.1背景    1
1.1.1.微型打印机的概述    1
1.1.2微型打印机的分类及各自特点    1
1.2 课题研究意义    1
2. 系统总体设计    2
2.1系统设计概述    2
2.2方案选择    2
2.2.1蓝牙模块的选择:    2
2.2.2打印模块的选择    2
2.2.3单片机的选择    3 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
3.系统主要硬件介绍    4
3.1三星smp270打印机芯    4
3.1.1打印机芯各引脚定义    4
3.1.2直流伺服电机    5
3.1.3打印头介绍    7
3.2 STC89C52RC单片机    10
3.2.1器件参数    11
3.2.2.单片机最小系统    12
3.3Hc-06蓝牙模块    12
3.4系统电路设计    13
3.4.1伺服直流电机控制电路    13
3.4.2打印头控制电路    14
3.4.3蓝牙通信模块电路    15
3.4.4晶振电路    15
3.4.5复位电路    15
3.5.系统整体运行流程    16
3.5.1蓝牙模块与单片机进行uart串口通信    16
3.5.2安卓手机与蓝牙模块通信    16
3.5.3 单片机对打印机进行控制    17
4.软件设计    17
4.1蓝牙uart通信程序    18
4.2打印时打印针头打印程序    18 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
4.3打印机点阵字库的建立    20
5.系统的调试及结果    20
5.1系统焊接与组装    20
5.1.1系统的焊接    20
5.1.2系统的组装    21
5.2系统的调试    21
5.2.1硬件调试    21
5.2.2软件调试    22
5.3结果    22
结论    23
参考文献      23
致谢     25
附录    26
附录一:程序    26
附录2:原理图    36
