计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC





关键词: 循迹壁障小车;STC89C52单片机;驱动芯片(L298)

Intelligent tracking obstacle avoidance car based on single-chip
Abstract: At present, the development and research of mobile robot is more and more remarkable, and intelligent tracking walls car as an important branch of mobile robots, a very worthy of our exploration and discussion. Intelligent tracking function has intelligent navigation system as the main functional modules, and help the car can be implemented independently implement recognition and the function of the right route. Intelligent tracking obstacle avoidance car can be implemented in the absence of human management of intelligent tracing navigation function and to avoid blocking barrier function, set the smart car reservation mode, according to its intended functional requirements of the application of sensor technology, automatic control technology, and motor drive technology and other means to complete the design of the car, and explore the development of new functions. This technology has been applied in warehouse, unmanned vehicle, service robots and unmanned factory, etc.


STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as control core, infrared reflection switch sensor as the main components of tracking module to judge white road surface in the middle of the black scheduled path; Sensor data real-time transmission back to the control system, the system will signal into digital signal of single-chip computer can recognize.L298N as drive chip constitute two H bridge to control dc motor; Software system USES the C program. Car run continuously at the same time in the process of testing each module of the sensor input signal, tracking module 5 road tracking real-time detection module in the state of the black line on the runway, beyond the limits of the car ran out of the set limits, smart cars can adjust the direction of the car and independent position. Obstacle avoidance module in the smart car running can detect whether the obstacles and the car ahead at the same time the real-time distance barrier, the current party obstacle distance less than 20 centimeters, the car will avoid obstacles, continued to run turn-back back tracking.LCD1602 LCD can display the distance between the smart car and obstacles ahead, intelligent car driving part adopts L298 drive chip. The design of the circuit structure is simple, high reliability, easy to implement.

Key words: Tracking walls car; STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer; Drive chip (L298)


目  录
1 引言    1


1.1 国内外研究动态    1
1.2 课题的目的和意义    1
2 循迹避障小车总体方案设计    2
3系统方案比较、设计与论证    2
3.1 主控系统    2
3.2循迹模块    3
3.3避障模块    3
3.4电机驱动模块    4
3.5机械模块    4
3.6电源模块    4
4芯片资料简介    5
4.1L298N电机驱动模块    5
4.2LCD显示模块    7
4.3STC89C52单片机的简介    8
5 硬件实现及单元电路设计    10
5.1主控制模块    10
5.2液晶显示模块电路设计    11
5.3电机驱动模块的设计    11
5.4避障模块的设计    12
5.5循迹模块电路设计    13
5.6电源部分的设计    14
6系统软件设计    14
6.1 程序结构分析    14 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
6.2系统程序流图    15
7 系统调试及实验    15
8 小结    18
致谢    19
参考文献    19
附录一 整体电路原理图    20
附录二 部分源程序    20 [资料来源:http://think58.com]