计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



 摘 要
新疆昌吉小草沟煤矿井田位于新疆昌吉一带,南距离石区约7km。井田内地形比较简单,村与村之间均有简易公路相联,可通行卡车。所以工业广场的位置位于井田中东部,采用斜井开拓,主、副斜井及风井的断面分别为14.7m2、13.2 m2、15.9m2。开拓方案一为从程家坪附近上方打斜井至4#与10#煤层向南北开掘运输大巷、轨道大巷、回风大巷至井田边界。方案二为从井田中东部上方打斜井至4#与10#煤层向东西开掘运输大巷、轨道大巷、回风大巷至井田边界。方案一、二的工业广场都位于井田中东部。根据比较开拓工程量可视为相同,但在技术上方案二出现后期搬家频繁,留三角煤多,所以选择开拓方案一。开拓方案一划分为两个盘区,首采区定为东盘区。


    The design is the exploitation of Changji Xinjiang small grass ditch coal 8#, 5# coal seam, the thickness of the coal were 2.94M, 5.02m, the distance between the coal bed is 21m. According to Ida peripheral data to investigate the Ida for the low gas mine, the amount of coal gas emissions on the average of 3.14m3/t, the lower group of coal was 2.02m3/t. Coal seams are in danger of explosion. The natural tendency of coal is not easy to spontaneous combustion. According to the prediction of mine water, the mine normal inflow of 75m3/h, forecast results of 100m3 / h using well method.
    Xinjiang Changji grass ditch coal mine is located in Xinjiang Changji area, South from the stone area of about 7km. Ida within the terrain is relatively simple, the village and the village has a simple highway Association, can be a truck. So the position of the industrial square is located in the mine in eastern, the slope development. The section of the main and auxiliary shaft and shaft were 14.7m2, 13.2 m2, 15.9m2. Development scheme for from Cheng Jia Ping near the top hit inclined to 4# and 10# seam to digs the North South transportation roadway, track big lane, return to mine roadway boundary. Scheme for from the middle east part play inclined to 4# and 10# seam to things digging transport roadway, track big lane, return to mine roadway boundary. Scheme one or two is located in the eastern part of the industrial square. According to the comparison of the development of the project amount can be regarded as the same, but in the technical proposal two late move frequently, leaving more than the triangular coal, so choose a development plan. A development plan is divided into two zones, the first mining area for the eastern region. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
    Mine production of the first mining face in a dial area, length of working face is 150m promote the length of 1442m, mining technology by retreating, comprehensive mechanized coal mining method, using "46 of operating system. All the mined out areas are managed by the whole cross fall method.
Key word: pneumatic;manipulator;cylinder;freedom


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章、井田概述和井田地质特征    1
第二章  第一节、矿区概述    1
第二章、井田地质特征    2
第三章、井田文化地质    3
  第一节、地表河流    4
  第二节、含水层    5
第四章、煤层的埋藏    6
  第一节、煤层的埋藏条件    7
  第二节、煤层的埋藏特征    7
第五章、煤层对比    9
第六章、巷道断面设计    10
  第一节、巷道断面形状的选择    11
  第二节、确定巷道净断面尺寸    12
  第三节、巷道净断面积与风速校核    13 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
  第四节、水沟设置与管线布置    13
  第五节、工程量计算    15
  第六节、绘制断面图    17
  第七节、井巷掘进    18
第七章、钻眼工作    19
第八章、支护工作    20
第九章、工程循环图表的确定    21
结论    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24
