
密 惠 保
摘 要
Mold manufacturing is the single-piece production with a long cycle and complex process.The designing,casting,machining,repairing,testing and delivery process involve masses of repeated measurements and trimming work,so it is recognized that production efficiency is a outstanding issue for the mold industry.Automotive die mold is featured with big size,large weight,complex surface and critical technical requirements.Faced with increasingly fierce market competition,the mold manufacturers share one goal,that is how can we enhance the technical superiority,thereby to improve the quality of the product and to shorten the production cycle.This article describes some of the latest metrology technology development and application prospects for the current production situation of the stamping and injection mold production. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Keywords:drawing die, camera-type measuring, site measurement ,mold manufacturing, robotic machining, rapidrepairing and trimming, body-measurement, sludge machining
目 录
绪 论 1
1.我国汽车模具的发展 2
1.1 我国汽车模具的发展速度与发展趋势 2
1.2 与发达国家的技术对比 3
1.3 发展汽车模具新技术的必要性 3
2. 模具的概述 5
2.1 模具的定义 5
2.2 模具的发展前景 5
2.3 模具在汽车中的应用 6
3.汽车模具与三维CAD 6
3.1 CAD的应用于发展趋势 6
3.2 CAD在汽车模具技术中的应用 6
4.汽车模具的使用材料与制造过程 7
4.1 汽车模具的材料与汽车的制造步骤 7
5. 汽车模具新技术的实行与推广 7
5.1 学校如何培养模具技术的人才 7
5.2.政府如何推广和支持汽车模具新技术 8
5.3 国内汽车企业针对新技术的研发 9
参考文献 10 [来源:http://www.think58.com]