
密 惠 保
摘 要
This text main research design and manufacture process of the progressive die for the cover. This thesis applied professional curriculum theory and the actual production of knowledge, to cultivating and improving students' ability to work independently with doing a cold stamping mould design in practical training work, consolidated and expanded the course content of cold stamping mould design, grasps the methods and steps of cold stamping mould design, Master design basic skills of cold stamping mould, know how to analysis the parts manufaturability, determine the process. Through the comparison and combined with the actual production needs, understand the advantage of procedure, composite modulus, progressive die, understand the basic structure of mould, improve the ability of calculating and drawing, familiar with the specifications and standards, comprehensive review each subjects those related knowledge in the same time, and improving my independent thinking ability. Structure determine use progressive die which can make automation simple. And female die use insert, make mould changing, maintenance and maintain easier, then improve the work efficiency during the actual production. The main processes including that drawing,punching,flanging,pressure seal and blanking. The product process analysis, determine the stamping scheme, process calculation, templates design, parts design are discussed respectively in design. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Keywords : Blanking craft;Progressive die;CAD

1 绪论 1
1.1冲压模的简介 1 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
1.2级进模国内外研究现状与发展趋势 2
2 总体计算 4
2.1零件图 4
2.2研究方案确定 6
2.3 排样图的设计与计算 9
2.4 材料利用率、冲裁力及压力机的选择 12
2.5模具刃口尺寸计算 17
3 结构设计 24
3.1设计原则 24
3.2凸凹模原则 24
3.3模架及其他零件设计、选用 25
4 模具装配工艺 28
4.1冲裁模装配的技术要求 28
4.2 模具总装 28
4.3 凸、凹模间隙的调整 29
5 零件的工艺方案 30
6 典型零件制造工艺 31
6.1凹模板的加工工艺 31
6.2圆形凸模加工工艺 31
7 结论 32
参 考 文 献 33
致 谢 34 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]