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摘  要
随着知识经济时代的到来,人力资源作为现代知识经济发展的关键因素, 如何对 其进行有效的配置, 越来越受到公司的重视。


With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, human resources, as a key factor in the development of modern knowledge economy, have attracted more and more attention from enterprises on how to allocate them effectively.
In recent years, cross-border e-commerce in China has been rising rapidly, and has become one of the most active countries in the world in terms of transaction scale, user scale and e-commerce mode. Shanghai GYIE group was registered and established on September 18, 2015. It is a cross-border e-commerce company focusing on commodity trading. GYIE established 3 years, to an enterprise that is in the beginning period, how to improve level of management of internal human resource, undertake personnel allocation effectively, it is the important factor that the company is better up, forward, to outside development.


Based on the theory of human resources, this paper analyzes the composition and characteristics of the existing personnel allocation of the company, understands the existing problems of personnel allocation through questionnaire survey, analyzes the causes of the problems, and then puts forward the improvement countermeasures on personnel allocation.

Keywords:  Human resources management; Staffing; Job matching;

目    录
一、 引 言    1
二、 人员配置的理论基础    1
(一) 人员配置的含义    1
(二) 人员配置的特点    2
三、 国烨公司人员配置管理的现状分析    2
(一) 公司概况    2
(二) 公司人力资源结构及特点    3
(三) 公司人力资源管理状况    4
四、 国烨公司人员配置问题分析    4
(一) 缺乏人力资源战略规划    4


(二) 人才流失率高,缺乏人才    5
(三) 缺乏有针对性的培训    5
(四) 缺乏合理的薪酬体系    6
(五) 缺乏科学完善的绩效管理体系    6
五、 国烨公司人员配置规划改进建议    6
(一) 制定完善的人力资源规划    6
(二) 优化招聘方法、加强校企合作    7
(三) 健全有针对性的企业培训    8
(四) 完善薪酬制度,健立激励机制    9
(五) 建立科学的绩效管理体系    10
六、 结论    12
参考文献:    13 [资料来源:THINK58.com]