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The nine turn of the large intestine, as a famous Shandong cuisine, is a traditional famous dish in Ji'nan, Shandong. Since ancient times, it has a high seat rate, but with the improvement of people's living standard and the changing of the way of eating. The nine turn of the large intestine slowly fade out of people's vision, the dining room rate is getting lower and lower. In order to maintain the integrity of the Department of Shandong dishes, let Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce for more people to know, in the production process of E. customer satisfaction theory and nine based on the use of questionnaires and interviews, analysis of the pain points Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce, combing Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce food efficiency pain point, and put forward the improvement measures and I hope this research can provide a reference Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce production process for Chinese cuisine restaurant is improved, so as to improve the Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce attendance. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

Key words: Nine transfer of the large intestine, the rate of the upper seat, the production process and the Countermeasures
目    录
一、 绪论    1
(一) 研究背景    1
(二) 研究意义    1
1. 理论意义    1
2. 现实意义    2
(三) 研究方法    2
(四) 研究思路与框架    2
二、 文献综述    4
(一) 关于客户满意度的研究    4
(二) 关于菜品制作质量的研究    5
三、 九转大肠出菜效率痛点梳理    6
(一) 调查餐厅    6
(二) 研究问卷调查及访谈    6
1. 问卷调查结果及分析    6
2. 访谈结果及分析    7
(三)顾客满意度    7
1. 现代养生饮食观冲击    7
2.顾客满意度的影响因素    9
3.传统餐饮缺乏创新    9


(四)九转大肠制作质量    10
1.烹饪工艺    10
2.菜品制作质量    10
3.其他因素    12
(四)九转大肠出菜效率痛点总结    13
四、提高九转大肠上座率的对策    13
(一)规范制作工艺流程,实现标准化制作    14
(二)缩短客人等待时间,优化客户用餐体验    14
(三)与时俱进,进行菜品创新    14
(四)采取多元化的营销渠道,拓宽市场范围    15
(五)制定菜品质量要求,对厨师进行岗前培训    15
五、结论    16
参考文献    17
附录1:九转大肠顾客满意度调查问卷    19
附录2:访谈纪录    23
致 谢    26
