计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要


Logistics is the core competitiveness of B2C e-commerce enterprises, it is related to the speed of supply chain and customer experience. In the whole process of consumption, this paper considers that knowing the key factors of customer satisfaction with delivery service, improving customer satisfaction and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises , It is necessary to evaluate the service quality of B2C enterprises and obtain the service index that needs to be improved. Therefore, this paper takes Jingdong Logistics as an example, evaluates its logistics service quality and proposes improvement measures. Based on the B2C e-commerce logistics characteristics and the actual situation of logistics in Beijing, using the method of questionnaire survey and so on, this study finally builds a theory of logistics service quality and related theory of B2C e- Sets out the evaluation model of Jingdong logistics service quality and carries out the practical application analysis of logistics service quality of Jingdong Mall. Finally, according to the analysis result, gives the improvement suggestion for Jingdong logistics service quality improvement. Expectations of this paper can improve the quality of service Jingdong logistics have some reference. [来源:http://www.think58.com]

Key words: Jingdong logistics; service quality; evaluation index construction; improvement measures 

目  录
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景与意义    1
1.研究背景    1
2.研究意义    1
(二)国内外物流服务质量研究现状    1
1.物流服务质量相关理论研究    1
2.B2C电子商务环境下物流服务质量相关理论研究    2
(三)研究主要内容与方法    3
1.研究内容    3
2.研究方法    3
二、京东物流服务质量分析及评价指标体系构建    4
(一)京东物流简介    4
(二)京东物流服务质量现状分析    4
(三)京东物流服务质量评价指标体系构建    5
1.京东物流服务质量评价指标选取原则    5
2.京东物流服务质量评价指标体系构建    5
三、京东物流服务质量评价    7 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
(一)基于评价指标体系的问卷调查    7
1.问卷内容设计    7
2.问卷发放对象    8
3.问卷发放与回收情况    8
(二)样本的描述性统计分析    8
1.样本基本情况分析    8
2.样本信度分析    9
(三)京东物流服务质量评价    10
1.配送及时性    10
2.服务灵活性    11
3.服务人员素质    11
4.服务经济性    12
5.服务保障性    12
四、京东物流服务质量改进措施    12
(一)优化京东物流服务业务流程    12
(二)改进京东物流服务的方式方法    13
(三)强化以顾客为中心的物流服务理念    13
(四)全面提升便捷性和售后服务保障性方面的物流服务质量    13
(五)做好京东物流服务质量评价信息的动态反馈    14
五、总结    14


致谢    15
参考文献    16
附  录    18