计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘 要


structure like a preview picture of the system. We could know about business relation of each department, human affiliation and workflow from organization structure expressly. Researching the organization is helpful for perfect workflow and reduce procedure. Following the develop society, some new structure had appear. The old structure whether dit out or not. Were the new structure surely better than old? The answer is no. Suitable structure is the best structure. Organization structure as the venation of the company operation, determine the speed when company face to variety situation. Also it determine the way that staff used. Following the increase of sales volume, the old structure what the logistic belong to plant had shut down on the ability of dispatch. According to the popular method, should Taikoo use Project Manager to coordinate sales and logistic? And how to design the organization structure of logistic? Coca-cola’s logistics department changed it structure for the diverse market. First, logistic department belongs to plant, and then it belongs to Sales And Marketing. Finally, it independent from other departments. Once the dispatching area divide into urban and extramural. Now it separate into seven parts on the basis of local. Taikoo learns a lesson from the change of logistic department. From this we could study how the structure effect on work and how the environmental change effect on structure. [来源:http://think58.com]

Key word: Organization structure; nctional structure; lat organization; logistic

目 录
摘 要    I
第一章 绪 论    1
1.1 研究背景和意义    1
1.2 文献综述    1
1.2.1 组织结构的概念及特点    1
1.2.2 组织结构的相关理论    2
1.2.3 组织结构的发展方向    5
1.2.4 组织结构发展的新趋势    6
1.3 研究内容、方法及论文结构    7
第二章 可乐广东装瓶厂组织结构现状分析    8
2.1 公司的外部环境分析    8
2.2 广东装瓶厂概况及战略目标定位    9
2.3广东装瓶厂物流部的现状    10
2.4 广东装瓶厂物流部组织结构的发展    12
2.5 本章小结    13
第三章 广东装瓶厂物流部组织结构现存问题的分析    14
3.1 费用归因的错误    14


3.1.1 促销费用    14
3.1.2 跨区销售    14
3.2 响应速度的缓慢    15
3.3 协调的不足    17
3.3.1 跨部门项目运作的困难    17
3.3.2 自顾自的绩效考核方式    18
3.4 运作过程控制力度不足    19
3.5 销售管理下的瓶颈    20
3.6 本章小结    20
第四章 广东装瓶厂物流部组织结构的完善    22
4.1 组织结构的设计思路    22
4.2 组织结构的设计原则    22
4.2.1 传统原则    22
4.2.2 动态原则    23
4.3 广东厂物流部组织功能的定位及完善    24
4.4 本章小结    27
结 论    28
致 谢    29
参考文献    30
