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摘    要

All along, the natural disaster is one of the difficulties faced by every country, is affected by natural disasters is very serious in our country, especially the occurrence of major natural disasters in recent years brings great loss to the social and economic development, also poses a great threat to people's life and property. The maximum reduction of losses is the priority we should consider. So every country has emergency food reserves scheme for a long time, so that the unpredictable disasters occur, the fastest to ensure that the affected people's food needs.


In this paper, from the food concept, characteristics of emergency logistics and inventory control, the definition and content analysis of emergency food logistics inventory control mechanism at home and abroad, a large number of Chinese and foreign literatures, the good and discard the dregs. The paper also discusses the characteristics of different topography in different areas of the country. In order to find the countermeasures that are effective in dealing with natural disasters in our country. In this paper, on the basis of the corresponding improvement countermeasures, in order to ensure the grain emergency logistics, the effective control to obtain the general rule of emergency food logistics inventory control.

Key Words: emergency food; inventory control; natural disasters; general rules
目    录

摘    要    I
Abstract    II
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
(二)研究目的及意义    1
1.研究目的    1
2.研究意义    1
(三)国内外文献综述    1
1.国外文献综述    1
2.国内文献综述    2
(四)研究的主要内容    2
二、应急粮食物流库存控制的相关概述    4
(一)应急粮食物流库存控制概述    4
(二)应急粮食储备管理制度    4
三、应急粮食库存控制的作用与意义    6
(一)今年来发生的自然灾害及自然灾害带来的损失    6
(二)应急粮食库存控制的意义    6
四、国内外粮食应急物流库存控制的机制分析    7
(一)国内应急粮食物流库存控制机制分析    7
(二)国外应急粮食物流库存控制机制分析    9

结    论    11
致    谢    12
参考文献    13
