密 惠 保
This paper is a design specification for the pitching mechanism of quayside container cranes. In view of the design of the pitching mechanism of the quayside container crane, this paper analyses the checking calculation of the whole machine wheel pressure of the quayside container crane and the stability of the whole machine under the joint action of a variety of loads. After completing the calculation of the above contents, the design and selection process of the pitching mechanism of the quayside container crane is introduced. The research method of this paper is to find and study the advanced design and manufacturing methods at home and abroad. Through the measurement and calculation of a series of data parameters, the checking calculation of the wheel pressure and stability of the quayside container crane and the selection of the mechanism parts are completed. The content of this paper is conducive to our knowledge of the University and the use of knowledge. At the same time, through the search and study of relevant documents at home and abroad, we can greatly improve our understanding of the current situation of the development of domestic and foreign shore container cranes, and have a positive and far-reaching significance for our future study and work.
Key Words:Wheel pressure, stability, and pitching mechanism
第一章绪论 1
1.1岸桥简介 1
1.2国内外发展现状 1
1.3研究目的及意义 2
1.4研究(设计)基本内容 2
第二章轮压验算 3
2.1基本载荷计算 3
2.1.1固定载荷-DL 3机器房的自重计算 3金属结构重量计算 5
2.1.2前大梁 7
2.1.3小车、起升系统 8小车(TL)(包括主小车以及托架小车) 8起升系统(包括吊具及制动轮) 9
2.1.4集装箱(LL) 10
2.1.5冲击载荷(IMP) 11
2.1.6电机堵转载荷 11
2.1.7碰撞载荷 12
2.1.8大车惯性载荷 12
2.1.9 地震载荷 13
2.2风载荷计算 13
2.2.1工作风载荷计算 13
2.2.2非工作风载荷 16
2.3根据标准轮压载荷组合计算的轮压 18
2.3.1许用轮压 18
2.3.2工作工况轮压 18
2.3.3非工作工况轮压(WLS) 22
第三章稳定性验算 23
3.1 工况一:无风静载 23
3.1.1小车位于外伸距时 23
3.1.2.小车位于后伸距时 24
3.2工况二:有风动载 24
3.2.1小车外伸距,工作风速平行大车轨道,大车起制动 24
3.2.2小车后伸距,工作风速平行大车轨道,大车起制动 25
3.2.3小车外伸距,工作风速垂直大车轨道,大车起制动 25
3.2.4.小车后伸距,工作风速垂直大车轨道,大车起制动 26
3.3工况三:有风突然卸载 26
3.3.1小车位于外伸距,风从海侧吹向陆侧 26
3.3.2小车后伸距,风从陆侧吹向海侧 27
3.4工况四:暴风侵袭 27
3.4.1起重机处于非工作状态,风平行轨道 27
3.4.2起重机处于非工作状态,风垂直轨道 28
3.5稳定性验算结果 28
第四章俯仰机构计算选型 29
4.1俯仰机构主要参数 29
4.1.1俯仰机构工作级别及俯仰时间 29
4.1.2俯仰缠绕系统的几何参数 29
4.2钢丝绳的计算 30
4.3滑轮选型计算 30
4.4卷筒计算 31
4.5卷筒验算 32
4.5.1卷筒强度验算 32
4.5.2卷筒稳定性验算 32
4.6电动机功率计算 32
4.6.1电机过载系数校验 33
4.6.2电机发热校核 33
4.7减速机选型计算 37
4.8联轴器选型计算 38
4.8.1.高速联轴节选型 38
4.8.2低速联轴节选型 38
4.9制动器选型计算 38
4.9.1高速制动器选型 38
4.9.2低速制动器选型 39
第五章经济性环保性分析 40 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
5.1经济性分析 40
5.2环保性分析 40
第六章总结与展望 41
6.1总结 41
6.2展望 42
参考文献 43
致谢 44 [资料来源:http://think58.com]