计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



当我们在设计行星齿轮减速器时,数字化技术的使用能够完成行星齿轮减速器的参数化设计,因而能够简化设计过程,提升工作效率,具备实用性价值和可扩展性。行星齿轮减速器作为一种定型产品,具备很高的系列化、通用化以及标准化程度。设计行星齿轮减速器时,都有着一定的应用数学模型和产品结构,不同的仅在于产品的规格尺寸。从而应用数字化设计技术完成参数化设计行星齿轮减速器, 在设计领域有着十分重大的意义。
本课题以行星齿轮减速器为研究对象,进行数字化设计平台系统的开发,主要研究的内容包含以下几个方面: [来源:http://www.think58.com]
关键词:行星齿轮减速器;参数化设计;数字化设计平台;Visual Basic 6.0;SolidWorks;二次开发

Because the planetary gear transmission has many advantages, it is widely used in various mechanical and transmission occasions. The optimization research of planetary transmission mechanism has experienced the change of design thought from the initial single stage transmission, low dimensional variables optimization to multistage transmission, high dimensional optimization, from classic to all kinds of intelligent exploratory optimization algorithm that was proposed and used.from traditional design to fuzzy design,and robustness design.These provide a good foundation for the accurate rapid design and manufacturing of the planetary reducer. [来源:http://think58.com]
When making the design of the planetary gear reducer, the use of digital design technology can achieve the parametric design of planetary gear reducer, which can simplify the design process, improve work efficiency, and has practical value and extensibility.Planetary gear reducer is the design product finalized with a high degree of product seriation, generalization and standardization.To the design of the planetary gear reducer, the mathematical model and product structure it adopted is fixed, but the size of the product is different.So using digital techniques to achieve parametric design of planetary gear reducer has a special important significance for design.
This paper develops a digitized design platform for planetary gear reducer,.In this paper,the main research content includes the following aspects:
(1) Complete the main parameters and structure design of planetary gear reducer design;
(2)Combine the advanced design concepts with planetary gear reducer digitized design platform, and study and plan the system overall structure, and establish the overall platform framework; [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
(3)Study the parameterized modeling technology of planetary gear reducer’s typical parts, and use parameterized modeling method based on the dimension driven, and establish the 3D model of planetary gear reducer’s typical parts;
(4)study the technology of SolidWorks to automatically generate engineering drawing, achieve the secondary development of parametric design of planetary gear reducer system’s engineering drawing;
Key words:Planetary gear reducer;Parametric design;Digitized design platform; Visual Basic 6.0;SolidWorks ;Secondary development
齿轮    模数    齿数    变位系数    中心距
                标准值    实际值
第一级    太阳轮    0.6    42    0    18.90    18.90
    行星轮    0.6    21    0       


    内齿圈    0.6    84    0    18.90   
第二级    太阳轮    0.6    12    0.399    14.40    14.43
    行星轮    0.6    36    -0.179       
    内齿圈    0.6    84    0.042    14.40   


行星齿轮减速器参数化系统设计与开发(含SolidWorks三维图,程序) [资料来源:THINK58.com]

摘要    X
Abstract    XII
第1章绪论    1
1.1课题研究背景及意义    1
1.2本课题国内外研究现状    2
1.3论文研究的内容    3 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
1.4本章小结    4
第2章行星齿轮减速器主要零部件设计    5
2.1行星传动系统概述    5
2.2总体设计    6
2.3主要参数的计算和校核    7
2.3.1初始参数    7
2.3.2几何尺寸计算    8
2.3.3啮合参数的计算    9
2.3.4齿数及行星轮数应满足的条件    9
2.3.5传动效率计算    13
2.4本章小结    13
第3章行星齿轮减速器数字化设计平台设计与实现    14
3.1基于ActiveX Automation的SolidWorks二次开发技术    14
3.1.1 ActiveX Automation技术    14
3.1.2 SolidWorks二次开发接口技术    14
3.2数字化平台的规划及实现流程    16
3.2.1平台系统功能划分    16
3.2.2平台各模块功能介绍    16
3.2.3数字化设计实现流程    17
3.3数字化平台的设计    18 [来源:http://think58.com]
3.3.1平台系统设计主界面设计    18
3.3.2减速器零部件参数化程序设计    19
3.4本章小结    23
第4章行星齿轮减速器主要零部件模型参数化设计    24
4.1零件模型参数化设计方法    24
4.1.1参数修改法建模    24
4.1.2程序化参数建模    25
4.2基于特征的参数化建模过程实现    25
4.3减速器中输出轴零件的参数化建模实例    28
4.4本章小结    33
第5章行星齿轮减速器主要零部件工程图自动输出    34
5.1工程图自动调整系统总体框架    34
5.2工程图生成过程中的自动调整技术    35
5.2.1属性自动添加    35
5.2.2视图比例的调整    36
5.2.3视图位置的调整    37
5.2.4注释位置的调整    37
5.3一级行星架的工程图的建立    38
5.4本章小结    42
第6章全文总结与展望    43 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
6.1全文总结    43
6.2经济性分析    44
6.3工作展望    44
致谢    45
参考文献    46
