
密 惠 保
Application of inverse-time overcurrent protectionon Low Voltagegrid
Abstract:with the applicationsof green energy continue to expand, so the distributed power technology develop rapid. In the common low-voltage distribution network, with the distributed power supply, the traditional structure of the grid changes, so that relay protection equipment can not meet the basic requirements. Therefore, with analyzing the basic characteristics of distributed power supply and the influence of traditional three-stage current protection and inverse time overcurrent protection, ainverse-time overcurrent protectionfactor is proposed. In the inverse-time overcurrent protection principle, the use of local current and voltage information to speed up the relay protection device action. The scheme ensures the quickness of the fault of the cut-off line, and also satisfies the selectivity of the relay protection requirements. At the same time, establishment of line model of grid ,and through matlab simulation software to verify it to ensure the correctness of the principle. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Key words:inverse-timeovercurrent protection;distributedgenerator; Distribution network;Matlab

摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
2分布式电源简介 2
2.1分布式电源的定义与特征 2
2.2分布式电源电气模型 3
2.3分布式电源接入对配电网继电保护的影响 5
3电网的电流保护 7
3.1 电流保护原理 7
3.2三段式电流保护 8
3.3反时限过电流保护 9
3.3.1 保护整定 9
3.3.2 DG接入对保护影响 11
3.4低电压加速反时限过电流保护 12
4 算例分析 14
4.1算例模型 14
4.2 并网运行 15
4.3 孤岛运行 19
5总结与展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24