
密 惠 保
Fault Diagnosis of Turbo-generator Based on Probabilistic Neural Network
Abstract:Turbo-generator units are becoming increasingly intelligent and functional.But uncertainty and uncertain information exist. In order to ensure the safety of turbines, the uncertainties are solved first. Because the traditional BP neural network has limited ability to recognize this kind of uncertainty, and the error convergence rate is slow, the diagnosis accuracy is low. In order to ensure the accuracy of fault diagnosis of turbo - generator, a fault diagnosis of turbo - generator based on probabilistic neural network (PNN) is proposed. PNN has many advantages, and the machine learning algorithm is sample and convenient to train. Compared with the traditional sample processing method, PNN training sample and introduce to training network, so as to ensure the correct and reliable diagnosis result. The results of MATLAB simulation show that PNN ensure the accuracy of diagnostic on the basis of speed, classification performance greatly improved diagnostic efficiency is also greatly improved. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
Keywords:fault diagnosis; turbo-generator sets; neural network; probabilistic neural network

1.绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外的故障诊断技术研究现状 1
1.3 故障诊断原理及发展 3
1.4 本文的主要研究内容 4
2.神经网络 5
2.1 神经网络的概述 5
2.2 神经网络的基本原理 5
2.3 神经网络的结构与特性 6
2.3.1 神经网络的结构 6
2.3.2 神经网络的特性 7
2.4 神经网络在汽轮发电机组故障诊断中的应用 7
3. 基于反向传播(BP)神经网络的汽轮发电机组故障诊断 8
3.1 BP神经网络模型 8
3.2 BP神经网络的学习流程 9
3.3 基于BP神经网络的汽轮发电机组故障诊断 10
4. 基于概率神经网络(PNN)的汽轮发电机组故障诊断 14
4.1 概率神经网络模型 14
4.2 概率神经网络模型的理论与方法 15
4.2.1 Bayes分类 15
4.2.2 Parzen窗口法 16
4.3 概率神经网络的数学描述 17
4.4 基于概率神经网络的汽轮发电机组故障诊断 17
5. 总结与展望 23
附录 26
致谢 30