
密 惠 保
摘 要:随着加入WTO五年保护期的过去,城市商业银行历经十多年的发展,在面临国内各大商业银行以及不断增加的外资银行的激励竞争,城市商业银行应怎样提高竞争力,如何探寻新的发展模式是十分必要的问题。本文通过对我国城市商业银行发展模式存在不足之处进行分析,以及影响发展模式因素分析,最后提出一些对于我国城市商业银行发展的建议。
Model of City Commercial Banks
Abstract: With the accession to WTO over the past five-year protection period, the city commercial bank after ten years of development, in the face of major domestic commercial banks, and increasing incentives for foreign banks compete, how the city commercial banks should improve their competitiveness, how to explore new development model is very necessary question. Based on the mode of development of city commercial banks to analyze existing deficiencies, and factors that affect development patterns, and finally some development of city commercial banks for the proposal. 〖毕业设计(论文)咨询QQ:306826066〗
Key words:city commercial banks;development modle;scale control