
密 惠 保
摘 要::随着农村经济的深入发展,农民对资金的需求在大幅度增长,农民“贷款难”问题日益突出,成为制约农民增收的普遍性难题。而通过近几年的实践来看,农村信用社在稳住、保住、做大、做强小额农贷这块金字品牌,实现农民增收和农村信用社增效的“双赢”局面上,已取得了初步成效。但同时也应看到,由于受到内外诸多因素的影响和制约,农村信用社的推广小额农贷、创造信用乡镇工作开展很不平衡,一些深层次的矛盾和问题也逐渐暴露出来,必须引起高度重视。
Farmers microfinance problems countermeasures
Abstract:With the further development of rural economy, farmers are increasingly demanding capital, and the problem that farmers have difficulty in getting loans is becoming increasingly prominent, which is a limitation to universal increase in income. However, the practice of recent years shows that rural credit cooperatives have achieved initial results in increasing rural incomes and efficiency of rural credit cooperatives "win-win" situation by maintaining, keeping, expanding and strengthening small agricultural credit. Meanwhile, we should note that rural credit cooperatives unevenly promote small agricultural credit and create credible towns because of different factors both inside and outside, giving rising to the expose of some deep-seated contradictions and problems that we have to pay much attention to. 〖毕业设计(论文)咨询QQ:306826066〗
Key words: Microfinance; Credit problems; countermeasures;