
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
关键字:大数据 金融统计 货币流通 同业拆借利率
In this paper, the financial statistical methods are analyzed under the background of large data. Using the traditional statistical methods, regression analysis, descriptive statistical analysis and VAR model, select in recent years, the latest data, can be effective response to social problems, after research showed that introduction of China's financial market and the national policy has considerable contact, also will be the world and also the interbank interest rates does exist great risk.
First of all, this paper analyzes the background of large data and financial statistical methods, introduces the paper's environment and the significance of the topic, and summarizes the domestic and foreign famous scholars' papers, gives a summary, to facilitate learning. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Secondly, in four areas of Statistics: Statistics of bank credit, bank cash balance of payments statistics, money supply and circulation statistics, financial market statistics in selecting the most concern of the two statistics, monetary and banking, hope can use statistical methods and practice to get closer to the society of the conclusion. In order to obtain the general situation of the currency field and the banking field, and make a reasonable analysis of statistical methods.
Third, in the field of monetary statistics, from the velocity and the currency rate, multiplier, the structure and total amount of money and credit debt estimates, the RMB exchange rate these five aspects to multi-faceted analysis, including the use of a traditional statistical methods and regression analysis, through the causes of some of the recent data processing for loans and currency instability were collected, at this stage we can draw countries in recent years given fiscal policy influence the conclusions, but also have a new understanding of statistical methods.
Finally, for the banking sector, this paper chooses bank interbank interest rate risk assessment on the one hand, to carry out research, select the main purpose of this paper is the hope can to financial statistics method to the industry potential risk prediction. This stage is divided into for descriptive statistical analysis and model analysis of two steps to, first of all to model selected to judge on the results of analysis that can be managed to get on our bank interbank lending interest rate risk actual phenomenon partial data of the conclusion.
Key words: big data financial statistics currency interbank lending rate
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章:引言 1
1.1.选题背景与研究意义 1
1.1.1.选题背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2研究综述 2
1.2.1关于大数据的研究 2
1.2.2关于金融统计的研究 3
1.2.3研究评述 4
1.3研究思路与研究方法 5
1.3.1研究思路 5
1.3.2研究方法 6
1.4可能存在的创新点与不足 6
1.4.1.可能存在的创新点 6
1.4.2存在的不足 6
第二章:理论综述 7
2.1货币的供应与流通 7
2.1.1货币的供应 7
2.1.2货币的流通 7
2.2银行间同业拆借市场利率风险度量 8
2.2.1VAR模型 8
2.2.2银行同业拆借利率 9
第三章:货币的供应与流通 11
3.1货币流通速度测算 11
3.1.1中国货币流通速度测算 11
3.1.2货币流通速度分析 12
3.2货币化率(R),货币乘数(m ,m )测算 12
3.2.1货币化率,货币乘数测算的结果 12 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
3.2.2货币乘数,货币化率的分析 13
3.3货币结构和总量测算 15
3.3.1测算基础货币构成 15
3.3.2货币总量变化比率以及基础货币构成比率 16
3.4信贷、债务数据的测算 17
3.4.1人民币信贷 17
3.4.2本外币信贷 18
3.4.3外汇信贷 19
3.5人民币实际汇率和名义汇率与对外贸易差额的关系分析 21
3.5.1 2005年6月-2012年8月的数据 21
3.5.2实验结果分析 24
第四章:我国银行间同业拆借市场利率风险度量——基于VaR模型的实证研究 26
4.1银行间同业拆借市场利率的现状分析与模型建立 26
4.1.1数据及其来源 26
4.1.2描述性统计分析 26
4.1.3模型建立 32
4.2实证分析及模型检验 32
4.3结论 34 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
第五章:总结与展望 37
5.1总结 37
5.2展望 37
参考文献 39
致 谢 41