
密 惠 保
摘 要:近年来,我国零售企业在本土发展过程中面临着前所未有的激烈竞争,一些零售企业如国美电器、北京华联等开始触角向外延伸,开拓国际市场。沃尔玛作为世界零售业巨头,在零售业领域获得了空前的成功。沃尔玛自己设定经营原则和与行业间的竞争准则,拥有自己个性的经营模式,沃尔玛的成功经验是可以借鉴的。本文首先分析沃尔玛的经典经营模式,再找出当前我国零售企业存在的问题,从沃尔玛的成功经验中找出适合我国零售企业跨国经营的优秀基因加以移植,以促进我国零售企业跨国经营的发展。
On the Business Model of Wal-Mart Multintion and Its Inspirtion to China’s Retail Business
Abstract: In recent years, China's retail enterprises has faced unprecedented competition in the local development process, some retailers such as Gome and Beijing Hualian has begun to reach outward extension of the international markets. As the world retail giant ,Wal-Mart has beated out other retail businesses. Not only Wal-Mart set their own operating principles and the competition guidelines between industries, but also has its own the business model.It was worth to learn Wal-Mart’s successful experiences. It analysed to the classic Wal-Mart business model and then find out the current problems in our retail business. And we would like to learn some good things from Wal-Mart’s successful experiences , so as to develop China’s retail business.
〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.56doc.com〗
Key words: Wal-Mart; Retail enterprises; Multinational management; Inspirations
