密 惠 保
摘 要
关 键 词
钢框架结构; 抗震结构设计; 建筑设计
The graduation design is Changchun gem office building construction structure construction designin , It’s ten layers, the frame structure, the whole design divides there parts: the Architectural design, the structure design and Construction design
Architecture design, design the rectangular building, the whole building uses steel for the main material.The structure design orgination hand calculates one frame, considering muli-layer structure anti- earthquake requests, making an anti- earthquake to check to calculate, making structure on the structure of anti- earthquake the structure design, so, can attain the purpose of"big earthquake pour, in the earthquake can fix, small earthquake pretty good" survival in terrible earthquake.
The structure design includes what is following as the structure arrangement, the calculation of loads, the combination of the internal forces, the calculation of the frame; the calculation of the crane’s beam and the calculation of column and foundation, the design of the stairs.The D value law is used to calculate the horizontal load function,and the vertical load is computed with a slice method .
Through the calculating and designing, the instruction of architecture and structure design of the building and construction plans are finished.
Steel frame structure;The anti- earthquake construction designs;architecture design;
目 录
1 前言 1
2 工程概况 1
3 施工技术及材料 1
4 设计资料及说明 2
5 结构平面布置 2
6 确定梁柱截面(以3号轴线为计算单元) 4 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
6.1 梁截面设计 4
6.2 柱截面设计 4
7 梁柱线刚度计算 4
7.1 梁线刚度计算 5
7.2 柱线刚度计算 5
8 荷载计算(取一品框架计算) 5
8.1 恒荷计算 6
8.2 活荷计算 9
8.3 风荷载计算 9
8.4 地震荷载计算 19
9 竖向荷载作用下横向框架内力计算 28
9.1 恒荷载作用下框架内力分析 28
9.2 活荷载作用下框架内力分析 36
10 作用效应组合 40
11 弯矩调幅 40
11.1 强柱弱梁计算 40
11.2 框架节点域验算 44
12 框架梁柱验算 46
12.1 框架梁验算 46
12.2 框架柱验算 50 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
13 楼板设计 59
14 次梁设计 75
14.1 CL-1计算 75
14.2 CL-2计算 77
15 节点设计 79
15.1 梁柱连接计算 80
15.2 主次梁节点设计 84
15.3 柱子拼接 87
15.4 柱柱节点 88
15.5 柱脚设计 89
16 基础设计 92
16.1 桩基计算 92
16.2 桩基验算 93
16.3 CT-1设计 94
16.4 CT-2设计 96
17 楼梯计算 98
结 语 101
致 谢 101
参考文献 102