
密 惠 保
摘 要
贪吃蛇是一个经典的游戏,在PC个人电脑、手机移动端都有各种实现的版本。本文则是利用HTML5技术,在网页上实现了贪吃蛇这一经典佳作。通过Javascript脚本来控制贪吃蛇在地图上移动,还能让地图中动态随机产生食物、障碍物以及升级奖励图标,并且能控制贪吃蛇蛇身的增加以及判断贪吃蛇是否撞墙死亡。通过Canvas实现游戏界面的排布以及修饰。在本贪吃蛇游戏中,玩家能通过操控键盘上下左右方向键来实现对蛇移动的控制。同时可以选择并且点击开始游戏按钮来开始游戏,可以选择并点击分享到QQ空间或新浪微博来实现游戏分享功能。本贪吃蛇游戏能够实现贪吃蛇游戏过程中基本的功能,吃食物、升级加速、撞墙死亡等。最后通过Audio标签修饰游戏背景音乐以及音效功能。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Technology in today's society is everywhere, people's life are rich and colorful because of science and technology. With the advent of the computer, life changes. From the beginning of the mine, until now a variety of online games, games have gradually become an indispensable way of life in the entertainment. HTML5 development of the game has a variety of labels, excellent offline storage and multi threading technology, a strong ability to access the device, as well as a new multimedia and graphics effects elements. HTML5 games were developed by virtue of its strong cross platform characteristics and the future trend of mobile trends began to be concerned and developed.
Snake is a classic game. In the personal computer, mobile phones have a variety of mobile terminal to achieve the version. This paper is about use of HTML5 technology, the realization of the snake on the web page of this classic masterpiece. By using JavaScript scripts to control the snake to move on the map, but also to map dynamic randomly generated food, obstacles and upgrade the award icons. We can control the snake and the increase of judgment snake whether the wall of death. Through the realization of Canvas game interface configuration and modification. In the snake game, the player can control the keyboard up and down by the left and right keys to achieve the control of the snake movement. At the same time you can choose and click on the start button to start the game, you can choose and click to share to QQ space or micro-blog Sina to achieve the game sharing function. The snake game to the basic functions of the snake game in the process of food, upgrade acceleration, wall of death. Finally through the Audio tag to modify the game background music and sound effects.
This snake game using Eclipse tools to complete programming and debugging. By using different versions of the browser to run and test the game. The snake game not only to achieve the snake basic mobile, food, judge the wall touch function, more in the game to join the upgrade to increase the difficulty. Add gaming sound and new game sharing feature, so that the whole game is no longer a single boring.
Key Words:HTML5;Canvas;SNAKE;Javascript;
(1)游戏主体:主要负责贪吃蛇游戏界面和按钮绘制,分享模块,音效模块。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 PC端 2
1.2.2移动端 3
1.2.3跨界领域 3
第2章 相关工具 5
2.1相关技术原理 5
2.1.1 HTML5的新特性 5
2.1.2 Canvas 6
2.2 IDE开发工具 8
2.3 浏览器 8
2.4搭建服务器 9
2.4.1 Xampp软件使用方法 9
第3章 系统设计 11
3.1游戏玩法设计 11
3.2需求分析 11
3.2.1系统角色 11
3.2.2用例分析 11
3.3程序总体设计 12
3.3.1程序功能模块分析 12
3.4游戏各功能模块的设计 13
3.4.1游戏逻辑的设计 13
3.4.2贪吃蛇障碍物模块设计 14
3.4.3 贪吃蛇升级模块的设计 15
3.4.4游戏分享模块的设计 16
3.4.5游戏声音模块设计 16
第4章 系统的实现 18
4.1 系统实现方案 18
4.2 贪吃蛇各模块实现 18
4.2.1游戏主体的实现 18
4.2.2食物模块的实现 19
4.2.3音效模块的实现 20
4.2.4障碍物模块的实现 21
4.2.5升级模块的实现 22
4.2.6分享模块的实现 23
4.2.7监听封装 23
第5章 平台运行与测试 25
5.1平台测试环境 25
5.2游戏功能测试 25
第6章 总结与展望 30
6.1本文工作总结 30
6.2下一步的工作展望 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]