密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:单片机 PWM 舵机控制 程序
The Automatic Equipment for Wall Cleaning Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
This project has designed a automatic cleaning equipment which is controlled by single chip microcomputer. The steering gear controlled by single chip microcomputer imitate the arm joints movement to make the goal of wall cleaning.In the specific operation method, we use a switch to control this equipment,in order to do the designated operation accord to the Complete compilation of program.So to reduce the extra hand operation. Which to a certain extent, Effective relieve the shortage of manpower in modern society. Its production cost is low, small volume, easy to carry, safe and reliable and easy to use, PWM pulse signal by single-chip microcomputer control servo motion to implement. This design has one aspect of hardware and another of software. The hardware part includes single chip welding and servo debugging use, choose to use a supply part, we also have to do metal frame of the installation. The software part is to write a single chip microcomputer program, in order to achieve the goal that it can be a automatic operation. Design goal is to make the steering gear drives the cleaning arm according to certain routes movement, so as to realize the scrub walls.
Key words:single chip microcomputer PWM Steering gear control program
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 引言 1
1.1 基于单片机的自动墙壁清洗装置简介 1
1.2 单片机结合舵机设备的发展趋势 1
1.3 本设计所要实现的目标 2
1.4 论文结构安排 2
第二章 主要元器件选择 3
2.1 stc89c52单片机 3
2.1.1 为什么选择使用单片机 3
2.1.2 51单片机的结构 3
2.2 舵机的使用和工作原理 4 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
2.2.1 舵机的结构组成 4
2.2.2 舵机工作原理 5
2.2.3 舵机的特点 6
第三章 硬件系统设计 7
3.1 总体结构 7
3.2 硬件电路的设计 7
3.3 舵机的安装 9
3.4 电源部分 11
3.5 如何实现脉宽调制(PWM) 11
3.5.1 脉宽调制介绍 11
3.5.2 本设计中如何运用脉宽调制 12
第四章 软件系统设计 14
4.1 软件设计方案 14
4.2 程序设计 15
第五章 调试与实验 22
5.1 硬件调试试验 22
5.2 软件调试试验 23
结语 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27