密 惠 保
The design of electronic calendar based on microcontroller
Electronic calendar is the most popular electronic devices. With the fast pace of society, people take more attention to the concept of time. Electronic calendar can be a good indication of the time and show other basic information people need,and bring convenience and efficiency to people, so that people can improve the quality of their lives.
This paper describes the electronic calendar design based on 51microcontroller, which can show year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and week.What´s more,it can show the temperature aroud. Displayed time can be adjusted by remote infrared control, and another function is that remote infrared control could set up and control the alarm.
Most of the electronic calendars is hanging on the wall in life, so it is more convenient to use the remote infrared control to change the time and alarm clock. This paper tells synchronous and asynchronous serial communication between the MCU and peripheral chips, LCD display and the sending, receiving, encoding and decoding process of infrared remote control.
Keywords: Electronic calendar;DS1302;18B20;remote infrared control
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 电子万年历的国内外研究现状和生产需求状况 1
1.2 电子万年历的设计意义 1
1.3 电子万年历的应用 2
第二章 设计要求和方案论证 3
2.1 设计要求 3
2.1.1 基本要求 3
2.1.2 拓展部分 3
2.2 系统设计方案及其论证 3
2.2.1 单片机型号选择 3
2.2.2 显示模块方案 3
2.2.3 时钟芯片的选择 4
2.2.4 红外遥控模块 4
2.2.5 蜂鸣器选择 4
2.2.6 温度传感器的选择方案 5
2.2.7 电路设计的最终方案 5
第三章 硬件电路的设计 6
3.1 电路的系统框图 6
3.2 电路硬件概述 6
3.3 各个模块的硬件电路设计 6
3.3.1 单片机最小系统设计 6
3.3.2 时钟模块的电路设计 7
3.3.3 显示模块 8
3.3.4 温度传感器模块 9
3.3.5 红外发送/接收模块 10
3.3.6 蜂鸣器模块 12
第四章 系统的软件设计 13
4.1 程序总流程 13
4.1.1 程序流程概述 13
4.1.2 程序流程框图 14
4.2 单元模块软件 15
4.2.1 DS1302时钟模块软件设计 15
4.2.2 LCD1602显示模块软件设计 17
4.2.3 DS18B20温度传感器模块软件设计 20
4.2.4 红外遥控与接收 23
4.2.5 定时中断流程 25
4.2.6 外部中断流程 26
第五章 系统的组装与调试 27
5.1 硬件的组装 27
5.1.1硬件的焊接过程 27
5.1.2硬件的常见故障 27
5.2 软硬件的调试 27
5.2.1 用Keil uVision3调试程序 28
5.2.2 软硬件联合调试 28
第六章 总结与展望 29
6.1 总结 29
6.2 展望 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
附录一 系统原理图 32
附录二 系统实物图 33
附录三 系统运行界面 34
附录四 软件程序 36