计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




Design of temperature measurement system
Abstract: Temperature is a physical quantity that indicates the degree of heat and cold. In the production process and scientific experiments, the temperature is also a very important reference. In daily life, the temperature is everywhere, and the temperature of the monitoring and control in all fields has a very important role. Temperature measurement is the basis of temperature control, so convenient and accurate measurement of temperature.


With the development of science and technology, the advantages of temperature measurement technology such as thermocouple and two resistance are not outstanding, but the single chip computer technology has the advantages of convenient control, easy maintenance, high flexibility and so on. This topic design uses the temperature detection system based on single chip microcomputer AT89C51, realizes the design function with the software and hardware. The temperature sensor uses the intelligent temperature sensor DS18B20 as the detection element, uses the LCD liquid crystal display to display the temperature data, and combines the key to set the upper and lower limit value of the temperature alarm. In this paper, the combination of hardware and software, to achieve the temperature sensor AT89C51 and SCM DS18B20 composition of the temperature detection system design.
Key words: Single chip ;DS18B20; AT89C51


第一章绪论    5
1.1 研究背景与研究意义    5
1.2  国内外研究状况    5
1.3 设计的目的及意义    6
1.4  主要研究内容    6
第二章系统总体设计与论证    7
2.1 系统总体设计    7
2.2 系统组成    7
2.3 系统设计总体方案    8
2.3.1  硬件部分    8
2.3.2  软件部分    9
2.4 本章小结    10
第三章温度检测系统的硬件设计    11
3.1 系统硬件结构    11
3.2 系统主控部分    12
3.2.1 主控介绍    12
3.2.2  主控结构    13
3.3 温度传感器电路    14
3.3.1 温度传感器简介    14
3.3.2 温度传感器的内部构造    15
3.3.3 温度传感器DS18B20的控制方法    15
3.3.4 DS18B20的供电方式    16


3.4  显示器模块电路    16
3.4.1 显示器简介    16
3.4.2 显示器的引脚说明    17
3.4.3 显示器与主控接口电路连接    18
3.5 报警电路    20
3.6 电源模块    20
3.7 本章小结    21
第四章温度检测系统的软件设计    22
4.1 软件开发工具介绍    22
4.2 程序结构分析    22
4.3 系统程序流程图    23
4.4 各个模块程序设计    25
4.4.1 温度处理子程序设计    25
4.4.2 按键处理子程序设计    26
4.5 本章小结    26
第五章系统调试    28
5.1调试方式    28
5.2调试过程    28
5.3 调试中出现的问题    31
5.4 本章小结    31
第六章结论与展望    32
参考文献    32
致谢    33

附录I PCB电路图    34
附录II 系统整体电路    35
附录III 实物图    36
