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The design of intelligent notebook cooling base
摘  要


Notebook computer is portable and small, and its functions could meet the needs of the majority, with the developing of science and technology, the cost decline, and the price of the laptop base to be acceptable to most people. But with the increase in the number of using the laptop people, they exposed various problems, in addition to cost, people always concerned about dissipating heat extremely. In the confrontation of the laptop’s performance and portability, the most critical factor is dissipating heat, and laptop’s dissipating heat has been the bottleneck of the core technology. Sometimes it end up unexpected, it is always because of that the system temperature is too high. To solve this problem, people have designed heat dissipation base, the heat can remove from the laptop to the outside as quickly as possible, it does not affect the use of laptop, and its electronic line will not be eroded, to ensure the normal operation of laptop. A good base could extend the life of laptop.


This design makes an in-depth discussion about heat dissipation, and design a microcontroller-based intelligent control of cooling base, synthesize cost and performance and so on, using the core AT89S52 Atmel Corporation built the system. Under the premise of cost and market, the circuit in this design is simple and easy-to-volume production, it can be intelligent and energy-saving under the premise of heat dissipation and minimum cost.

Key Words:cooling base; micro control unit; intelligent control




目    录
1    引言    1
1.1    系统研究背景    1
1.2    散热原理和方式    1
1.3    笔记本散热底座设计    2
1.3.1    散热底座的材料    2
1.3.2    散热底座的结构    2
1.3.3    散热底座的性能    2
2    系统方案论证    4
2.1    系统框图    4
2.2    各模块方案论证    4
2.2.1    控制器的选择    4
2.2.2    温度采集器件的选择    5
2.2.3    电机及其驱动器的选择    6
3    系统硬件设计    7
3.1    单片机AT89S52    7
3.1.1    芯片介绍    7


3.1.2    系统时钟电路    11
3.1.3    复位电路    11
3.2    温度传感器电路    12
3.2.1    芯片DS18B20介绍    12
3.2.2    传感器连接电路    13
3.3    直流电机驱动电路    14
3.3.1    三极管简介    14
3.3.2    直流电机简介    14
3.3.3    直流电机驱动电路    14
3.4    串口通信电路    15
3.4.1    串口通信介绍    15
3.4.2    芯片MAX232介绍    16
3.4.3    MAX232电路连接图    16
3.5    电源电路    17
3.5.1    电源芯片介绍    17
3.5.2    电源芯片连接电路    18


4    系统软件设计    20
4.1    编程语言简介    20
4.2    单片机程序设计    21
4.2.1    主程序设计    21
4.2.2    温度采集子程序    22
4.3    VB上位机程序设计    22
4.3.1    VB6.0软件介绍    22
4.3.2    主程序设计    24
4.3.3    交互式界面设计    24
5    系统集成与调试    26
5.1    硬件调试    26
5.2    软件调试    27
5.3    调试问题及解决方法    28
结    论    30
参考文献    31
附录1: 单片机程序    32
附录2: VB6.0程序    36
附录3: 英文资料及中文翻译    39 [来源:http://think58.com]
致    谢    58