
密 惠 保
[关键词]单片机系统 PWM 直流电机调速
Direct current machine speed control system design
This paper introduces a kind of method of DC-motor speed modification based on PWM theory by the SCM. Showing some relative knowledge upon the DC-motor timing,the basic theory and the way to implement. And it emphasizes on the way or carrying out PWM signals based on MCS-51. This paper still provides a method for modifying the speed of DC-motor by way of taking count of data and time delay by software. It offers a sort of efficient method for the DC motor speed-controlling system.
A kind of PWM direct current motor speeding control system was introduced based on Singic Chip Micyoco control. Taking 89C51 Single Chip Micyoco as core and the little direct current motor as control object,the single closed loop speed control were realized. In the convenient man-machine interaction interface, the contol signal and parameter were iputted with keybaord so that the start and brake of motor,pros and cons turn and speed regulation were also realized. The input parameter and dynamic rotational speed can be shown on LED with real time. The former simulated control was replaced by Single Chip Micymoco control, which not only made the control precision higher without zero shift,but also facilitated the systematic improvement and upgrading,with flecibility and adaptability enhenced. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Key words: SCM PWM DC-motor speed modification
目录 I
[摘要] I
[Abstract] II
前 言 III
1. 选题背景 1
1.1来源和目的 1
1.1.2毕业设计(论文)研究目的和意义: 1
1.2 国内外现状与发展趋势 1
1.2.1 电机国内外现状 1
1.2.3直流电机转速的控制技术的应用 3
2.系统总体设计和方案论证 4
2.1总体设计 4
2.3方案论证 4
2.3.1脉冲测速方法的选择 4
2.3.2 PWM方法的选择 5
3.直流电机的特性及原理 7
3.1直流电机的主要结构 7
3.1.1定子部分 7
3.1.2转子部分 8
3.1.3气隙 8
3.2直流电机的原理 9
3.2.1直流电机的基本工作原理 9
4.控制部分设计 12
4.1 89C51单片机简介 12
4. 1. 1 89C51单片机的内部组成与基本结构 12
4. 1. 2 引脚功能 13
4. 1. 3 89C51单片机的存储器结构 15
4. 2 89C51单片机的中断系统 16
4.2.1 中断申请与控制 16
4.2.2 中断响应 17
4. 3 89C51单片机的定时/计数 18
4.4 PWM波形控制原理 18
4.4.1PWM控制原理 18
5.硬件设计 20
5.1电机速度检测模块 20
5.3功能指示灯电路及接口模块 22
5.4电机驱动模块 23
5.5转速显示模块 24
6.软件设计思路 25
6.1主程序流程图 25
6.2速度采样程序流程图 25
6.3键盘扫描主程序(int0) 26
6.4具体功能流程图 27
总 结 28
参考文献 28
附录1:硬件连接 30
附录2:源程序 31 [资料来源:http://think58.com]