迎客播报系统单片机迎客播报系统 26
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
Based on SCM visitor broadcast system design
Along with the science and technology unceasing development, microcontroller as outstanding low-end controller excellent characteristics of microcontroller is already thorough popular feeling, rapid develepment high, operation is fast, small volume, reliable operation, low value, so in the process control, data acquisition, mechanical-electrical integration, intelligent instrumentation, household appliances and network technology etc widely application, this paper mainly introduces the microcomputer in the broadcast system application yingbin. This topic request designed yingbin broadcast system can send hi-fi timbre female voice, so I use znFAT file systems, through the monolithic integrated circuit stored in SD card reads the audio files, then files to special audio decoding chips VS1003 decoding, will eventually decoding chips tiny audio output current signal power amplifier, which issued high-fidelity hostess's voice. Key Words:znfat, vs1003, sd card [来源:http://www.think58.com]
目 录
摘 要... 1 Abstract 2 目 录... 1 引 言... 1 1单片机主控系统设计... 3 1.1 单片机的组成及内部结构... 3 1.2 单片机的寄存器和存储器... 4 1.3 单片机各口及其负载驱动能力、接口要求... 4 1.4 MCS-51单片机的引脚功能... 5 1.5 对单片机最小系统的设计... 10 2 znFAT文件系统... 11 2.1 znFAT文件系统简介... 11 2.1 znFAT文件系统的移植... 11 3 文件存储系统设计... 12 3.1 SD卡文件存储系统... 12 3.2 SD卡简介... 12 3.2 SD卡的通信方式... 12 4 VS1003解码电路... 13 4.1 VS1003解码芯片介绍... 13 4.2 VS1003特性及硬件原理图... 13 4.3 VS1003的封装... 14 5 人机界面设计... 15 5.1 1602液晶接口定义... 15 5.2 1602液晶硬件设计... 16 6按键设计... 16 7 人体感应设计... 17 8 程序设计... 18 8.1 SD卡程序设计... 18 8.2 znFAT文件系统程序设计... 19 结 论... 20 参 考 文 献... 21 附 录... 22 结 束 语... 33[资料来源:http://THINK58.com]