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摘 要
最后在软件设计部分,根据记录仪各个模块的功能,详细描述了记录仪系统各个任务的设计流程。重点描述了USB通信的实现:利用SL811HST实现USB HOST功能,通过优盘方便快捷地读取记录仪中数据,然后再由PC软件进行分析。对USB HOST中的关键技术:USB设备枚举、BulkeOnly传输协议以及FAT16文件系统的实现做了较详细的说明。
关键词:汽车行驶记录仪;单片机;C51;USB;固件编程 [来源:http://think58.com]
Vehicle traveling data recorder (VTDR) is a special digital electronic recorder which used to acquire and store vehicle's traveling speed, time, distance and other related status information, and then transmit data via USB and RS232 interface. The use of vehicle traveling data recorder can not merely halt the break in trafic rules and regulations, restrain the drivers from being drive at bad habit, and can prevent the traffic accident effectively, it can also offer scientific, faithful initial data for the tipstaffs carries on the accidents. So it plays a very important role in transportation management. Aimming at the actuality of the VTDR research, a VTDR is designed in this paper which bases on the 51 MCU. It also has some characteristics such as real-time, high dependability and less cost. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
First, VTDR's background and reseach actuality are introducted in the pape. By analyzed the system requirement of VTDR, the system is consisted of data acquisition sub-system, data storage sub-system and correspondence interface sub-system.
And then, hard ware framework is introduced in this paper. And the methods in which every function units of the recorder is designed are also discussed. Those function units mainly include power supply, real-time clock, data collection, data store, data communication, human and machine interface.
At last, in the part of software design, the flow of every task's software is described in the paper, based on the functions of VTDR. It makes use of SL811HS to realize USB HOST function, gets the data from recorder conveniently and swiftly through U disk. Have done more detailed explanation in the key technology of USB Host. Such as enumerating device, Bulk-Onlyt ransmit protocol and FAT16 files ystem. Otherwise, several measures of anti-jamming are adopted in the process of hardware and software designing. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Finally, summarize the all design, point out that needed improvement the prospect of the future of The Vehicle Traveling Data Recorde. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Keywords: Vehicle Traveling Data Recorder; Single Chip Microcomputer; C51; USB; Firmware Programming.
目 录
题目:汽车行驶状态记录仪的研究与实现 0
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1国内外汽车行驶记录仪发展的状况 1
1.2本课题的目的和意义 2
1.3本课题的目标和主要研究内容 2
1.3.1 课题的总体目标 2
1.3.2 研究的主要内容 3
第二章 汽车行驶记录仪总体方案设计 4
2.1仪器的功能要求及技术性能指标 4
2.1.1电气性能要求 4
2.1.2记录仪的功能要求及技术性能指标 4
2.1.3数据安全性 5
2.1.4气候环境适应性 5
2.1.5机械环境适应性 5
2.1.6抗汽车电点火干扰 5
2.2 系统结构 5
2.2.1 主板的功能与设计 6
2.2.2 面板的功能与设计 7
第三章 汽车行驶记录仪硬件设计与实现 8
3.1电源模块 8
3.1.1 电源模块设计概述 8
3.1.2 电源方案的选择与论证 8
3.1.3 电源模块的设计 10
3.2实时时钟模块 12
3.2.1 SD2301B的硬件电路设计 13
3.2.2 SD2301B的内部寄存器 14
3.2.3 SD2301B的软件编程 14
3.3数据采集 18
3.3.1 信号的调理设计 18
3.3.2 车辆状态信号的采集 20
3.4中央处理器 20
3.4.1 中央处理器的选择 21
3.4.2 复位系统 21
3.5 CPU的IO扩展 22
3.6 数据存储模块 23
3.6.1 存储需求分析 23
3.6.2 存储器的选择 24
3.6.3 铁电存储器FM1808介绍和应用电路设计 25
3.6.4 数据闪存AT45DB041的电路设计和应用编程 26
3.7 人机交互模块 32
3.7.1 LCD液晶显示器 33
3.7.2 键盘 36
3.7.3 声光提示 37
3.8 通信模块 37
3.8.1 RS232接口 38
3.8.2 USB接口 38
3.9 抗干扰措施 43
3.9.1硬件抗干扰设计 43
3.9.2印刷电路板的抗干扰设计 44
第四章 汽车行驶记录仪软件设计与实现 47
4.1 控制软件功能简介 47
4.2 控制软件的设计与实现 48
4.2.1 主机软件的总体架构 48
4.2.2 数据采集程序的设计与实现 49 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
4.2.3 显示子程序的设计与实现 54
4.2.4 主菜单的设计与实现 55
4.2.5 主程序的设计与实现 57
4.2.6 串行通信程序设计与实现 58
4.3 USB的设计与实现 59
4.3.1 USB主机设计与实现 60
4.3.2 USB从机设计与实现 70
4.4系统软件的抗干扰设计 72
第五章 汽车行驶记录仪的调试 73
5.1静态调试 73
5.2硬件调试过程中遇到的问题和解决方法 73
5.3软件调试过程中遇到的问题和解决方法 74
5.4整体调试 74
第六章 总 结 75
参 考 文 献 76
致 谢 77
作者简历 78
第一章 绪论
汽车行驶记录仪(Vehicle travelling data recorder),亦称“汽车黑匣子”,是安装在车辆上,对车辆行驶速度、时间、里程以及有关车辆行驶的其他状态信息进行记录、存储并可通过接口实现数据输出的数字式电子记录装置。