
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
Calculations of π
Abstract:The value of π is a fixed and constant number. It stands as quite a role among the life and production, and the research on the process of its production and development has been a long time. On the basis of previous work, this part is inspected. We put forward our own opinions on the research of π, and compared many methods of computing π. The mainly content of my research comes below:
Firstly,it expounds the historical knowledge of π at home and abroad. It stands that even ancient ways of explore are not good enough like now and they lived in different position, π is just a about number, but they all considered it as a fixed number.
Secondly, the history of the process of π is discussed. In terms of geometric algorithm, the earliest method of calculating π value in ancient Greece was Gu Achmed. The about value of π is obtained. However, in ancient China, Liu Hui, a man who fistly accurately calculate the π value, created the circle cuting area measure, and obtained the method of π in theory. For the analysis algorithm, the Ma Ching formula is the most effective way to calculate the π value. For Bi Feng needle injection, this is the product of further development of other subjects in mathematics. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Thirdly, First of all, we briefly introduce the process of Liu Hui circle cutting, just after they have the limit conception, creative thinking and scientific thinking of circular cutting technology. Finally, the author sums up the causes of Zu Chongzhi's rate and the density, and finds that the rate is the result of Zu Chongzhi's modification of the Hui rate, and it may be a consequence of adjusting the diurnal method, or fractional method, and the indeterminate equation. Fourthly, Summarize some of the methods for calculating π and compare them with programming.
Key words:circle cutting; circle oriented; irrational transcendence; calculations of π
目 录
摘要: 3
1.引言 5
2.圆周率的发现与认识 5
2.1历史上中国数学家对圆周率的认识 7
2.2国外历史上有关圆周率值的记载 10
3.圆周率的部分计算公式 12
3.1 Machin公式 12
3.2 Ramanujan公式 12
3.3 AGM(Arithmetic-Geometric Mean)算法 13
3.4 Borwein四次迭代式 14
3.5 Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe算法 14
4.圆周率计算的编程实现 14
4.1 Machin公式算法实现 14
4.2割圆术算法实现 15
4.3格雷戈里莱布尼茨无穷级数算法实现 15
4.4蒙特卡罗法 16
5.圆周率计算编程结果的比较分析 16
结束语 17
参考文献: 17
致谢 19
附件 20