对讲机外壳注射模设计 毕业设计/毕业论文/课题报告 - 模具设计类

密 惠 保
密 惠 保
Abstractt :
This text has introduced the design of the interphone injection mould in detail. Because of PRO/E modeling , after analyzing the structure of the interphone, confirms using a cavity ,point gate and three plate a mould. according to the matrices size, the mould shelf was choosed from the 3D mold base standard library. There were concaves in both sides of moulding , so optimizing design the angle ejector maching ,and furthermore the producing technics,the appliation affects are discessed in detail. At the same time,in this text the feedsysterm, shaping part, drawing of patterns organization , Organization of ejection force.,shut mould lead organization , temperature control system , exhaust system and the technology analyse of some workparts were designed and calculated totally. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: injection mould;point gate ;angle ejector machine
7.5 垫块 22
7.6 动模座板 22
8 导柱导向机构的设计 23
8.1 导柱导向机构的作用 23
8.2 导柱导套的选择 23
9 排气槽的设计 24
10 推出机构的设计 25
10.1 选用原则 25
10.2 推出机构的分类 25
10.3 推出机构的组成 25
10.4 脱模力的计算 25
10.5 抽芯机构设计 26
11 温控系统设计 29
11.1 模温对塑件质量的影响 29
11.2 模温对生产效率的影响 29
11.3 加热系统 30
11.4 冷却系统 30
11.4.1 冷却介质......................................................................30
11.4.2 冷却装置的理论计算............................................................30
11.4.3 冷却装置的结构形式............................................................31
12 模具零部件材料选择 33
12.1 塑料模选用钢材的原则 33
12.2 模具的选材及热处理要求 33
12 模具工作过程 34
13 注射模与注射机的关系 35
13.1 注射压力的校核 35
13.2 锁模力的校核 36
13.3 开模行程与推出机构的校核 36
13.4 安装部分相关尺寸校核 36
14 经济性与环保性分性 45
15 设计小结 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47
Abstractt :
This text has introduced the design of the interphone injection mould in detail. Because of PRO/E modeling , after analyzing the structure of the interphone, confirms using a cavity ,point gate and three plate a mould. according to the matrices size, the mould shelf was choosed from the 3D mold base standard library. There were concaves in both sides of moulding , so optimizing design the angle ejector maching ,and furthermore the producing technics,the appliation affects are discessed in detail. At the same time,in this text the feedsysterm, shaping part, drawing of patterns organization , Organization of ejection force.,shut mould lead organization , temperature control system , exhaust system and the technology analyse of some workparts were designed and calculated totally. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: injection mould;point gate ;angle ejector machine
目 录
前言 3
1 塑件材料分析 4
1.1 基本特性 4
1.2 成型特点 4
1.3 主要技术指标 4
1.4 ABS的注射工艺参数 4
2 型腔数目的决定及排布 7
3 分型面的选择 9
3.1 分型面的设计原则 9
4 浇注系统的设计 10
4.1 主浇道设计 10
4.2分流道设计 12
4.2.1 设计原则.......................................................................12
4.3冷料穴的设计 13
4.4浇口的设计 13
4.4.1 位置选择原则...................................................................13
4.4.2 浇口剪切速率的校核.............................................................14
5 注射机的型号和规格的确定 14
6 成型零部件的工作尺寸计算 15
6.1 凸模径向尺寸计算 15
6.2 凸模高度尺寸计算 16
6.3 凹模径向尺寸的计算 17
6.4 凹模型腔深度尺寸的计算 18
6.5 定模型芯加工工艺卡 19
7 模架的确定和标准件的选用 21
7.1 定模座板 21
7.2 定模固定板 21
7.3 动模固定板 21
7.4 动模垫板 22
7.5 垫块 22
7.6 动模座板 22
8 导柱导向机构的设计 23
8.1 导柱导向机构的作用 23
8.2 导柱导套的选择 23
9 排气槽的设计 24
10 推出机构的设计 25
10.1 选用原则 25
10.2 推出机构的分类 25
10.3 推出机构的组成 25
10.4 脱模力的计算 25
10.5 抽芯机构设计 26
11 温控系统设计 29
11.1 模温对塑件质量的影响 29
11.2 模温对生产效率的影响 29
11.3 加热系统 30
11.4 冷却系统 30
11.4.1 冷却介质......................................................................30
11.4.2 冷却装置的理论计算............................................................30
11.4.3 冷却装置的结构形式............................................................31
12 模具零部件材料选择 33
12.1 塑料模选用钢材的原则 33
12.2 模具的选材及热处理要求 33
12 模具工作过程 34
13 注射模与注射机的关系 35
13.1 注射压力的校核 35
13.2 锁模力的校核 36
13.3 开模行程与推出机构的校核 36
13.4 安装部分相关尺寸校核 36
14 经济性与环保性分性 45
15 设计小结 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47