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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



关键词:自媒体  盈利模式  可持续发展 

Research on Profit Model from We Media
Nowadays, various forms of self-media platforms emerge in endlessly. What kind of self-media platforms are more popular with users, and at the same time, they will bring various profit models, whether users are willing to pay for the profit-making mode of self-media. Self-media will encounter various problems in the process of development, in which profit directly affects the sustainable development of self-media. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
In the present media environment, this paper studies how the self-media, as a fresh force in the new media, is profitable, and how these profit models develop. In order to study the sustainable development of self-media profit model, this paper mainly focuses on the concept of self-media, classification, user research on the use of self-media platform and the analysis of existing profit model cases. This paper finds out the problems existing in the development of the self-media profit model, summarizes the main factors that affect the self-media development, and analyzes the reasons why the self-media profit-making model is an obstacle to the development of the self-media profit-making model. The corresponding solutions are put forward.
Key Words: we media; profit model; sustainable development;

摘要    I
第一章 绪论    4
1.1研究背景    4
1.2国内外研究现状    5


1.2.1国外研究现状    5
1.2.2国内研究现状    5
1.3研究目的和意义    8
1.4研究内容与方法    8
1.4.1研究内容    8
1.4.2研究方法    9
第二章 自媒体运营现状分析    11
2.1 自媒体概念界定    11
2.2 自媒体分类    11
2.3 自媒体已有盈利模式分析    12
2.3.1内容型盈利模式    12
2.3.2服务型盈利模式    14
2.3.3社区关系型盈利模式    15
2.3.4品牌型盈利模式    17
2.4 现有盈利模式存在的问题    18
第三章 基于用户需求的自媒体运营内容调研    19
3.1问卷设计    19
3.1.1 问卷设计思路    19
3.1.2 问卷发放    19
3.2 问卷数据统计与整理    19
第四章 自媒体可持续发展中问题的对策    23 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
4.1 内容要新颖专业    23
4.1.1内容更新程度上    23
4.1.1内容广告穿插上    23
4.2 市场细分、渠道扩宽    23
4.2.1用户定位准确    23
4.2.2扩宽渠道    23
4.3 增强社区关系    24
4.4 需资本介入    24
4.5 树立品牌意识    25
第五章 以Papi酱为例的自媒体运营策略研究    26
5.1 papi酱的内容价值分析    26
5.2 “Papi 酱”品牌传播中存在的问题对策    28
第六章 总结与展望    30
参考文献    31
致谢    33
附录    34