计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




Research and Practice on Marketing Operation Method of Marketing Website Users
Abstract:The entire business world is undergoing tremendous changes. The corporate website has become a very important product promotion and marketing channel, and a marketing-oriented website that is consistent with the image of the company and has a good user interaction experience can attract users to click and reduce the user's jumping out. The rate, increase user retention, and increase the amount of revenue are the next trends in enterprise site development.Based on the understanding of the development of IT operations, the basic objectives of marketing websites and the problems faced by users in their growth operations, this paper studies and gives marketing models from the perspectives of site promotion, website design, content production, and user communication. According to the above methods, a number of methods for website user growth are carried out, and a targeted site framework and partial application design are carried out to verify the practicability and effectiveness of the above design, and to make a follow-up work prospect. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Key words:operational development; user growth; marketing website; design practice



摘要:    III
Abstract:    IV
1 绪论    1
1.1研究背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3本文主要研究内容    2
1.4本文结构安排    2
2    相关基础理论研究    2
2.1 营销型网站的定义和特点    2
2.1.1定义    2
2.1.2显著特点    3
2.2用户增长模型    3
2.2.1获取用户    3
2.2.2用户激活和留存    4
2.2.3用户营收    4
2.2.4用户推荐(传播)    5
2.3网站用户增长需要具备的三大能力    5 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
3 营销型网站用户增长运营方法研究    5
3.1 用户获取方法研究    5
3.2 促进用户营收方法研究    6
3.2.1页面布局层面    6
3.2.2色彩搭配层面    7
3.2.3交互体验层面    8
3.2.4文案写作层面    8
3.3 用户留存方法研究    9
3.4用户传播方法研究    11
3.4.1传播方法    11
3.4.2衡量指标    12
3.4.3案例:Airbnb    12
4 基于用户增长运营方法的营销网站设计实践    13
4.1获客环节搜索引擎优化设计    13
4.1.1站内代码优化示例    13
4.1.2百度搜索引擎优化代码示例    14
4.1.3谷歌与百度SEO的区别    15
4.2 营收环节网站框架设计及分析    15
4.2.1 “三栏式”结构模型    15
4.2.2“两栏式”结构模型    18


4.2.3“一栏式”结构模型    19
4.3用户留存环节营销工具设计    20
4.3.1用户签到模型设计    20
4.3.2用户抽奖模型设计    22
4.3.3优惠券模型设计    23
4.4 用户传播环节网站功能设计    24
5 设计效果验证测试    25
5.1 卡诺模型    25
5.2设计效果的调研    26
5.2.1基于卡诺模型的调研问卷设计    26
5.2.2测试算法    27
5.2.3调研结论    30
6 展望与小结    32
参考文献    33
致谢    34 [来源:http://www.think58.com]