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摘   要

关键词:电子商务   网上购物    问题及对策

Investigation and Research on Consumers' Online Shopping


 Society continues to develop, information technology also maintained its pace of progress. This era of the achievements of the growth of online shopping. Convenient, price concessions is its advantage, attracting the eyes of many consumers. For people in the traditional shopping, opened up a new shopping route. Eliminating the rent, reduce costs, the rise of online shopping, but also for businesses to open a more convenient sales channels. But with the rapid development of online shopping experience, online shopping business reputation is not high, logistics and distribution is slow, lack of protection of consumer rights and other defects are increasingly exposed.
More and more people tend to online shopping, high rents, additional labor makes the physical store pressure doubled. Many businesses are also trying to operate shop, resulting in the increasing number of online stores, increased the competitiveness of the electricity business sector. Among the many shops, the last choice for consumers is the ultimate pursuit of each store. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
This article will "consumer online shopping situation" for the purpose of the survey, the design of the questionnaire, the status of online shopping to investigate, in-depth understanding of consumer shopping psychology and online shopping experience, and the existing problems put forward corresponding countermeasures Improvements at all levels need to be made.
Key words: E - commerce     online shopping problem    countermeasur


目  录
摘要    Ⅰ
第一章  导论    1
   1.1  论文研究背景    1
   1.2  论文研究的目的和意义    1
   1.3  论文研究方法    1
第二章  文献综述    3
2.1  网上购物理论与研究    3
    2.1.1网上购物理论概述    3
       2.1.2 网上购物风险研究    4
   2.2 统计调查与分析方法综述    4
      2.2.1统计调查    4
      2.2.2 统计分析    4


第三章  消费者网上购物情况调查分析    6
   3.1  购物网站的概述    6
     3.1.1购物网站的界定    6
     3.1.2 典型购物网站的介绍    6
   3.2 消费者网上购物影响因素分析    6
     3.2.1 商家信誉度高低    7
     3.2.2居民收入水平    7
     3.2.3商品种类繁多    7
     3.2.4 折扣力度大小    8
   3.3 消费者网上购物情况调查问卷    8
     3.3.1 设计问卷    8
     3.3.2 发放与回收问卷    9
     3.3.3 数据分析    9
第四章  问题与建议    20
   4.1 网上购物存在的问题    20 [来源:http://think58.com]
     4.1.1 信誉度失真    20
     4.1.2 支付安全存在威胁    20
     4.1.3 物流配送的不可抗力    20
     4.1.4 消费者权益缺乏保障    21
   4.2 针对问题提出的改进措施    21
     4.2.1 制定相关政策    21
     4.2.2 完善自身服务    23
     4.2.3 树立正确消费观    24
     结语    25
参考文献    26
附录    29
致谢    32 [资料来源:http://think58.com]