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Research on anti discrimination in recruitment of Institutions
——Taking the example of the open recruitment of high school teachers in Yunnan as an example
Abstract: As we all know, teacher is the primary resource of education, strengthening the construction of teachers is a pilot project of education and a basic project for the development of the whole economy and society. The teacher recruitment system adhering to openness, fairness and impartiality principle is the basic premise of optimizing teachers, It is of great significance to the construction of a powerful country in human resources, a powerful country with talent and an innovative country. This paper takes the open recruitment of public high school teachers in Yunnan Province as the research object, and investigates the current situation of teachers recruitment in Yunnan, studies the discrimination of open recruitment in public high school teachers in Yunnan Province, and puts forward some suggestions of anti discrimination, hoping to provide reference for the standardization construction of recruitment system in Yunnan provincial institutions.


Keywords: Teacher recruitment; Employment discrimination; Institutions [资料来源:http://think58.com]