密 惠 保
[关键词] 跨国并购;财务风险;防范;案例
The Analyzing and Controlling of Financial Risk in the Chinese Enterprises Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions
–As the Case of TCL M&A Thomson
[Abstract] Under the circumstances of economic globalization, more and more Chinese enterprises take cross-border M&A as its long-term development strategy towards the world. Cross-border M&A can bring many advantages for enterprise, such as technology, experience, overseas markets. High return means high risk; cross-border M&A also has all hidden risks. Financial risk throughout the course of cross-border M&A activity, and it has significant influence on the result of the activity. Therefore, how to control the financial risks in cross-border M&A activities, and also attracted the attention of investors. In this paper, the research has been based on the existing research, analyzed the financial risk in the process of cross-border M&A in detail, and combined with the real case of TCL mergers Thomson company reveals that financial risk has big influences on the result of the cross-border M&A. Finally, I put forward some measures to control the financial risks on the basis of above analysis.
[Key words] Cross-border M& A; Financial risks; Control; Case
目 录
摘要••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I
一、引言 1
二、企业跨国并购的历史与现状 1
(一)中国企业跨国并购的基本情况 1 [资料来源]
(二)中国企业跨国并购的特征 2
三、企业跨国并购中财务风险的相关概念 3
(一)财务风险的概念 3
(二)财务风险的特征 3
(三)财务风险与经营风险的区别 3
四、中国企业跨国并购财务风险识别 3
(一)并购准备阶段财务风险的识别 3
(二)并购实施阶段财务风险的识别 4
(三)并购整合阶段财务风险的识别 4
五、TCL并购汤姆逊公司案例分析 4
(一)TCL、汤姆逊公司概况 4
(二)并购背景 4
(三)并购过程 4
(四)并购失败的原因 5
六、TCL并购汤姆逊失败给我们财务风险控制方面的启示 5
七、对中国企业跨国并购财务风险控制措施 5
(一)并购准备阶段财务风险控制措施 5
(二)并购实施阶段财务风险控制措施 6
(三)并购整合阶段财务风险控制措施 6 [来源:]
参考文献: 7 [资料来源]