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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



知乎是中文互联网最大的知识型问答社区, 2013年3月,知乎向公众开放注册。不到一年时间,注册用户迅速由40万攀升至400万。根据知乎创始人周源最新披露的数据显示,目前知乎上有1300万日活跃用户,月浏览量50亿,人均访问时长33分钟。在内容方面,产生了3500万个赞同,1000万个问题,3400万个回答。可以说,知乎作为社交化问答网站,已经发展到了较大规模。然而在此过程中,知乎同样暴露出一些问题,另一方面,知乎想要得到进一步地发展,想找到合理的商业模式,建立合理的商业循环,还有较长一段路要走。
 Zhihu is the largest community of knowledge-based quiz in Chinese. March 2013, Zhihu opened registration to the public. The registered users rose rapidly from 400 thousand to 4 million less than a year. According to the data disclosed latestly by the founder of Zhihu Zhou Yuan, there are 13 million active users daily currently and almost 5 billion pageviews monthly. Besides, it is about 33 minutes long per visit. In terms of content, there are about 35 million thumbs, 10 million questions and 34 million answers. We can say that Zhihu has developd into a considerable scale as a social networking quiz site. However, Zhihu still has many problems at the same time. Therefore, it is still a long way to go if Zhihu expects to get further development, wants to find a more reasonable business model and establish a more reasonable business cycle.


    In this paper, it will analyze the business model of Zhihu and summarize it firstly. Then it will introduce its background and development. At the same time, it will illustrate what troubles Zhihu is in currently and try to expolre Zhihu’s development in the future and its business modle.
关键词:知乎 运营 商业模式
Keyword:zhihu;operating;business model


绪论    6
1.背景分析    7
1.1研究对象    7
1.2 行业现状与行业发展前景    7
2.发展历程    8
3.组织架构    9
3.1知乎网站    10
首页    10
话题功能    10
发现功能    11
消息版块    11
个人信息版块    12
其他功能    12
3.2知乎日报    13
4.运营模式    13
4.1用户的吸引方式    13
4.1.1吸引“点”用户    14
4.1.2、争取“面”用户    14
4.2 内容的生产方式    14


5.商业模式问题    15
5.1商业模式尚不清晰    15
5.2商业模式探究    16
5.3资源基础理论    17
资源和能力    17
价值主张    18
商业模式分析    18
6.其他问题及解决方法探究    22
6.1优质内容变少    23
6.2安全管理问题    24
结语    26
致谢    27
参考文献    27
