计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



关键词:电子商务 鲜活农产品 质量保障 物流 对策
Agricultural e-commerce website fresh agricultural research quality assurance system
In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce , with the network platform to achieve product sales and service sales channel sales have become a more widely used today . The rise of agriculture also quietly e-commerce sites , the use of e-commerce to achieve agricultural sales process, how to guarantee the quality of fresh produce is a matter of particular concern to the general public . Fresh produce from the origin to the consumer in the hands of numerous difficult process , related to the origin of many interests , logistics and other related parties , the quality can not be guaranteed fresh agricultural products , consumers will not be able to use safe and secure e-commerce site for fresh produce purchase of agricultural products. This paper analyzes the current situation and how to achieve sales of agricultural products through the use of e-commerce, and special studies using the current situation of e-commerce sales of agricultural products and the marketing process , what are the problems , especially the construction site for fresh agricultural products, agricultural quality electronic security system, explore for quality assurance in terms of issues that need attention , and propose feasible countermeasures for specific problems.


Keywords: E-commerce, fresh produce, quality assurance, logistics, strategy


摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
第一章   绪论    1
1.1  问题提出    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.3 研究思路与方法    4
1.3.1 研究思路     4
1.3.2 研究方法    5
第二章  质量保障体系    6
2.1生鲜电商的优势    6
2.1.1降低流通成本    6
2.1.2 模式多样    7
2.1.3农业电商潜力巨大    7
2.2现有体系存在的问题    7
2.2.1农村网络基础设施薄弱    7
2.2.2缺乏农产品网络营销人才    8
2.2.3流通效率低下    8


2.2.4农产品标准化程度低    9
2.2.5 物流水平低    9
第三章 对策及建议    11
3.1 问题解决对策    11
3.1.1 建设良好的环境    11
3.1.2 农产品质量标准化和品牌化    12
3.1.3 网站组织团购,采用预售方式购买    13
3.2质量保障体系的建设    13
3.2.1 资源保障措施    13
3.2.2 技术保障措施    14
3.2.3 组织保障措施    15
3.2.4 政策保障措施    16
第四章  结论和不足之处    18
参考文献    19
致谢    21
