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摘 要: 区域经济联系的强度和方式主要由物流流量大小及其空间结构综合反映。物流经济联系是指区域间通过交通运输设施、通讯设备等物流基础设施,进行物质交流产生的相互联系与作用关系。以全国31个省区(不包括港、澳、台)作为地域研究单元,从实证的角度,通过各省区物流经济联系的基础设施、发展水平的等级差异测度,分析物流经济联系强度大小的省区差异;通过各省区物流经济联系主导类型的定量分析,反映物流经济联系方式的省区差异;通过省区物流中心城市、主要物流联系通道、区际货流联系范围的空间结构特征定量分析,综合反映区域物流经济联系的点、线、面空间特征。
关键词:空间结构;要素特性;运动规则; 物流中心;物流通道

Abstract:Region is not an isolated and static spatial entity but a dynamic and developing spatial system with hierarchy reflecting the interactions of various national,economic and social elements.The intensities and modes of regional economic linkages are reflected mainly by the spatial characteristics of logistics flux and direction.Logistics economic linkages mean all of regional relations on logistics communication and interaction by means of transportation and mail.This article reveals spatial characteristics of logistics economic linkageswith emprtical analysis.First,the paper reviews provincial difference with hierarchy system on intensities of regional logistics economic linkages through measures of fundamental establishment and development level.Then,based on quantitative analysis of leading types on logistics economic linkages,this paper concluded provincial logistics economic linkages'modes are some different.Furthermore,according to the quantitative analysis on provincial logistics center city,the channels of linkages and the ranges of linkages,the spatial structure of node,axes and surface reflecting synthetically regional economic linkages on logistics is put forward. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: spatial structure; factor character;movement law; logistics central; logistics linkages channels [来源:http://think58.com]