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摘要 铁路货物运输是指利用铁路线路进行运输生产活动,使货物发生空间位移。在我国,铁路是国家重要的经济设施,国民经济的大动脉,但由于我国铁路发展长期滞后,导致运输能力紧张,效率低下。自20世纪90年代以来,随着市场经济的迅速发展,其他交通运输工具的崛起,铁路货运业的市场份额发生了巨大的变化,铁路货运市场份额逐步下降, 其主要表现在货运量和货物周转量在全社会货运量(周转量)中所占的比重逐年下降。同时我国铁路运力长期紧张,目前,铁路运能与运量的矛盾依然突出,大通道能力严重不足。尤其是近两年,铁路货运需求发展迅速,铁路运力更是趋于严重不足,仅能满足30%~40%的货运需求。而高速铁路出现,为铁路运输带来了一种全新的运输模式。高速铁路不仅可以提高客运效率,对于铁路货物运输乃至整个物流业也有极大的促进作用。

Abstract rail freight transport is the use of the railway line for transportation and production activities, so cargo space displacement occurs. In China, the railway is an important national economic facilities, the main artery of the national economy, but because of our long-term railway development lag, resulting in transport capacity tight and inefficient. Since the 1990s, with the rapid development of market economy, the rise of other means of transport, the market share of rail freight industry has undergone tremendous change, rail freight market share gradually decline, which mainly in freight and cargo turnover in the whole society cargo volume (turnover) in the proportion is declining. Meanwhile, China's railway transport capacity of long-term stress, at present, the railway transport capacity is still outstanding contradictions and traffic, a serious shortage of large channel capacity. Especially in the last two years, the rapid development of rail freight demand, rail capacity is more serious shortage, can only meet 30% to 40% of the freight demand. The emergence of high-speed railway, brings a new mode of transport to rail transport. High-speed rail can not only improve the efficiency of passenger transportation, railway cargo transportation for the whole logistics industry also has great role in promoting.


Keywords: high-speed railway: railway freight transport; effect :development

摘要    2
Abstract    2
前言    3
1我国高速铁路发展与现状    3
1.1我国高速铁路发展    3
1.2我国高速铁路现状    4
1.2.1 铁路客货运运能严重不足    4
1.2.2.铁路客货混运导致运输效率低下    4
1.2.3.铁路运输准点率较低,缺乏与其他运输方式的衔接    5
2我国高速铁路对铁路货物运输的影响    5
2.1既有线货运运能得到充分释放    5
2.2利用部分高铁线路,开行高速集装箱专列运输    6
2.3利用高铁,开行高速快递专列    7
2.3.1速度具有明显优势    7
2.3.2技术门槛低    7
2.3.3运输效率高,便于组织    8
3.铁路货物运输在高铁时代的发展方向    8
3.1积极推进重载化、快捷化运输    8

3.2发展集装箱多式联运,以适应现代物流的发展趋势    8
3.3改革管理体制    9
4.加快铁路货物运输技术创新步伐    9
5.强化服务创新,提高服务营销水平    10
5.1加强服务创新    10
5.2加强铁路货运的品牌创新    10
6.加强货运基础设施的建设    11
7.结论    11
致谢    11 [来源:http://think58.com]